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Mars Pathfinder

Virtual Reality Help Page

We've tried to keep these VRML Martian worlds under 100k to ensure that they can be enjoyed by those on both low bandwidth and high bandwidth connections. Delays may be longer due to the high volume of web traffic.

Here are some guidelines to help you get started with viewing VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) files.

What do I need?
You will need to have a VRML browser to view these models! Here are a few ways to find out if you have a VRML browser on your system. Start your regular web browser:

If neither of these methods work then you need to get a VRML browser.

Why do the models take so long to download?
We understand some of these files are big and we don't like it anymore than you do. Most of the bandwidth clog is because of web traffic. VRML files themselves are very small.

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