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1996-1997 MarsWatch

Instructions for Placing Images and Text on the
MarsWatch FTP Site

In order to transfer images to be verified and placed on the MarsWatch website, we have set up a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server. This server is convenient and fast, and only requires a few instructions to help you get started.

If you are browsing this site using Netscape Navigator 3.0 or better, you can go to the FTP site and upload your files directly from the browser.

TelescopeGo there now!

Mars BulletIf you are using MS Internet Explorer, you will need to have a separate FTP utility, such as Fetch. If you do not have an FTP utility, go to, and follow the directions there to acquire one.

Mars BulletIf using an FTP utility, the machine's address is Log in as "anonymous" with NO password. Go to the MarsWatch directory, and then to the UPLOAD directory. Here is where you place your files.

Mars BulletIf at all possible, please send all images as JPEG or GIF format (and add the appropriate extension to each file). These formats are the most universal and allow us to quickly view, verify and post them to the MarsWatch website. If you send a file of a different type, please indicate this by the extension you use for the file (".tif" for TIFF, ".pic" for PICT, etc.).

Mars BulletWhen sending an image, please be sure to include an ASCII text description of this image and name this text file the same as your image file, with the extension ".txt" (this way we can keep images and descriptions together). The description only need be one or two sentences long.

And that's it! Good luck!

Go to the MarsWatch Images Page, and see what your fellow astronomers have uploaded!

Return to the MarsWatch Home Page.

Return to the Mars Pathfinder Home Page.

Contact information on this page is as it appeared during the mission.

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