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MarsWatch 1996-1997

Images of Mars from Astronomers Around the World

Linking Amateur and Professional Mars Observing Communities

for Observational Support of the Mars Pathfinder Mission

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5 April 1997



Date (by UT): 4/05/97

Time (UT): 02:20

CM: 204 deg


De: 23.57

Disk Diameter: 13.7'

Seeing: 6/10

Transparency: overcast w/thick cirrus clouds, magnitude 2 stars barely visible

Camera: Lynxx PC Plus

Telescope: 10" SCT

FL: 500"

FR: f/50

Exposure Time: 5 x 10 second exposures co-added

Filters: Near IR Passing/Visible Blocking - Murnaghan IR83

Processing: Calibration (bias, therm, flat) w/ BatchPIX
Unsharp mask w/ BatchPIX
Composite w/ Photostyler

Observing Station: Lat. N44d 17', Long. W79d 9'

Brian Colville
R.R. # 2
Sunderland, Ontario L0C 1H0

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