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MarsWatch 1996-1997

Images of Mars from Astronomers Around the World

Linking Amateur and Professional Mars Observing Communities

for Observational Support of the Mars Pathfinder Mission

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1 April 1997



Observation Number: #31 97033115.jpg

Date (By UT): 4/01/97

Time (UT): 05:19

CM: 281.83 degrees

Ls: 98.3

De: 23.0

Disk Diameter: 13.9'

Seeing: #8

Transparency: 4 mag.

Camera: ST-5 CCD

Telescope: 14" SCT

FL: 616'

FR: F:44

Exposure Time: 1.8 seconds

Filters: Near IR 800 - 1100nm, IR Passing/Visible Rejection - Murnaghan Instruments Filter

Processing: Skypro Image Processing Software

Notes: This is the first Infrared image that I have ever taken!

Observing Station: Long. W88d - 01' - 43'
Lat. N42d - 43' - 44'

Observer: Mark Schmidt
734 Ohio St.
Racine, WI 53405
(414) 632-7503

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