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MarsWatch 1996-1997

Images of Mars from Astronomers Around the World

Linking Amateur and Professional Mars Observing Communities

for Observational Support of the Mars Pathfinder Mission

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21 February 1997

pt210297.gif pt210297b.gif

Observation of Feb. 21, 1997
Begin: 22h 50m UT
End: 1h 00m (Feb. 22)

Ls = 82' diam = 12.6 arcsec

a) 23h 05m: CM 163
See details of NPC on sketch

Semi-apo refractor of Osservatorio di Torino, 420 mm f/16.7, 412 X.
Seeing (Antoniadi) IV, poor transparency.

Nix Olympica perfectly round and very bright, sorrounded by a dark, diffuse patch on the preceding and southern side. In moments of good seeing another isolated white spot is suspected south-prec. of Nix Olympica. Sometimes I have the impression that it is small and round, other times it seems elongated (as drawn) with a brighter core. Very bright white cloud at the preceding limb, apparently divided in two parts. NPC details more defined with W38A. A white patch closely follows the NPC at its edge. It is closer to CM later (see sketch). Probably the same cap fragment seen on Feb. 16. NPC is not very bright and its boundary is not clearly defined. Bad seeing prevents a more detailed view.

Paolo Tanga
Mars Program Coordinator
Sezione Pianeti - Unione Astrofili Italiani

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