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MarsWatch 1996-1997

Images of Mars from Astronomers Around the World

Linking Amateur and Professional Mars Observing Communities

for Observational Support of the Mars Pathfinder Mission

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5 February 1997


The red light (Wratten 23A) image on the left depicts the North Polar Cap (NPC), smaller in size than previous observations, and it appears brilliant surrounded by a dark (3/10) collar consisting of Ortygia, Baltia, and Abalos. Mare Acidalium's p., or eastern, half appears dark (3/10) whereas it f., or western half appears to be partially obscured by a very bright to extremely bright (8-9/10) haze which appears to extend from an extremely bright (9/10) morning limb haze (MLH). A bright to very bright (7-8/10) strip is noted over M. Acidalium appearing to nearly bisect the albedo feature in half. The Chryse-Xanthe region appears very bright (8/10), especially in blue (W38A) and blue-green (W64) light. Sinus Sabaeus appears as a thin, dark (3/10) bar towards the Sp. limb connected to an equally dark (3/10) Sinus Meridiani. The regions surrounding S. Meridiani and S. Sabaeus (Deucalionis Regio, Thymiamata, and Edom) appear bright to very bright (7.5/10). Margaritifer Sinus, Vulcani Pelagus, and Mare Erythraeum appear dark (3/10) on the CM. Eos is visible as a thin, bright (7/10) strip along the northern border of M. Erythraeum f. the CM. Aurorae Sinus appears dark (3/10) towards the Sf. limb. An extremely bright (9/10) evening limb haze (ELH) is visible along the terminator as well as an oval projection over Arabia. An extremely bright (9/10) southern limb haze (SLH) is noted as well.

The blue (Wratten 38A) and blue-green (Wratten 64) image on the right shows a brilliant NPC surrounded by a dusky to dull (4-5/10) collar, as described above, as well as Mare Acidalium appearing dusky to shaded (4-6/10) with a very bright (8/10) strip across it's mid-section appearing to nearly bisect it. Sinus Meridiani and a portion of Sinus Sabaeus appear dull (5/10) towards the Sp. limb surrounded by a very bright (8/10) haze over Deucalionis Regio and Thymiamata. Margaritifer Sinus appears dull (5/10) whereas Mare Erythraeum appears dusky (4/10). An extremely bright (9/10) morning limb haze (MLH) is noted appearing to connect to a bright to bright to extremely bright (7-9/10) Chryse-Xanthe region. The southern limb haze (SLH) appears extremely bright (9/10).

(Legend: N.=north, S.=south, p.=preceding, f.=following, Np.=north-preceding, Nf.=north-following, Sp.=south-preceding, Sf.=south-following)

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