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MarsWatch 1996-1997

Images of Mars from Astronomers Around the World

Linking Amateur and Professional Mars Observing Communities

for Observational Support of the Mars Pathfinder Mission

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16 January 1997


Observation of Jan. 16, 1997
Begin: 23h 45m UT
End: 00h 15m

Ls = 65' diam = 9.2 arcsec

a) 23h 45m: CM 150
b) 00h 15m: CM 157

Semi-apo Refractor Of Osservatorio di Torino, 420 mm f/16.7, 412 X
Seeing II (Antoniadi), very good transparency.

This observation is rather a technical check of the recently refurbished instrument. It performs very well. Nix Olympica well visible. Propontis I obvious. Mare Sirenum at South limb. Two bright clouds at prec. limb. Other weak markings on a fairly uniform disk.

Paolo Tanga
Mars Program Coordinator
Sezione Pianeti - Unione Astrofili Italiani

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