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Mars Pathfinder Mission

Launch & Cruise



red_bullet_half.gifWhat happens during the cruise to Mars? A lot! View a playback of current data from the spacecraft in realtime!

red_bullet_half.gifTrajectory Correction Maneuver-3: Successful! (Mars Pathfinder Mission Status Report - 9 May 1997)

red_bullet_half.gifSee how we did during Operational Readiness Test #5 (21-25 April 1997)!

red_bullet_half.gifTCM-2 was successful! Please see Mars Pathfinder Mission Status, 4 February 1997 for complete details.

red_bullet_half.gifWhere is Mars Pathfinder right now?

red_bullet_half.gifThe Mars Pathfinder Assembly Process in Words and Pictures!

red_bullet_half.gifGet a Spacecraft Eye View of the Approach to Mars on July 4, 1997!

red_bullet_half.gifMars Pathfinder Cruise and Mars Approach Activities

red_bullet_half.gifShips Passing in the Night (Mars Pathfinder and Mars Global Surveyor)

red_bullet_half.gifEverything you wanted to know about Navigation and Trajectory Correction Maneuvers!

red_bullet_half.gifPictures, video and more of Mars Pathfinder Launch, 4 December 1996! Plus, beautiful new launch photographs (released 4 February 1997)!

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