A tribute to the Rover Telecommunications Sponsors and Contributors
The microrover telecom team wishes to thank the following organizations which sponsored or funded this effort:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
California Institute of Technology
JPL Mars Exploration Directorate
JPL Spacecraft Telecommunications Equipment Section - 336
JPL Communications Systems and Research Section - 331
The microrover telecom team wishes to thank the following people at JPL for their contributions:
Core Telecom Team
Lin van Nieuwstadt - Rover Telecom Cognizant Engineer
Scot Stride - Engineering Support/Telecom Mission Operations
Sami Asmar - Telecom Mission Operations/Cognizant Engineer
Tom Rebold - Telecom Mission Operations/Engineering Analysis Team
Jan Tarsala - Telecom Mission Operations/Engineering Analysis Team
Bert H. Fujiwara - Technical & Laboratory Support
Robert F. Thomas - Rover & Lander UHF Antenna Design
Cosme Chavez - Antenna Testing
Other JPL Contributors
Ronald Banes - Microrover Power Subsystem/Mission Operations
Chuck Barnes - Radiation Testing
Javier Bautista - Laboratory Support
Robert Beckon - Mesa Antenna Range Engineering Support
Tom Borden - Advanced Packaging Consultation
David F. Braun - Mechanical Engineering Support
Kevin Burke - Antenna Mechanical Engineering Support
James Coss - Radiation Testing/Analysis
Johnny Duong - Flight Assembly Support
Howard J. Eisen - Mechanical Engineering Support
Khanara Ellers - Packaging Support
Charles Fenske - Cryogenics Supply
Robert Galletly - Systems Engineering Support
Lorraine Garcia - Quality Assurance
Carl Gilchriest - Telecom Systems Analysis
Gary W. Glass - Technical Support/ KSC testing
Verne Gordon - Quality Assurance
William A. Hatch - Technical Support
Martin I. Herman - Systems Technical Support
Kenneth Jewett - Mechanical Engineering Support
Cindy M. Jones - Flight Assembly Support
Amedeo Larussi - Mesa Antenna Test and Analysis
William Layman - Project Science & Engineering Support
Leslie Livesay - Pathfinder Telecom Manager
Jake Matijevic - Project Management/Technical Support
Andrew Mishkin - Systems Technical Support/Mission Operations
Kenneth McCarty - Radiation Testing
Don McQuarie - Quality Assurance
Jack Morrison - Software Support/Mission Operations
Donald Nichols - Radiation Testing/Analysis
Fred Nabors - Arroyo Antenna Tests
Tam Nguyen - Software Support/Mission Operations
Steven M. Petree - Laboratory Support and Testing
William Pickett - Mesa Antenna Range Engineering Support
Harvey Schwartz - Radiation Testing/Analysis
James S. Shell - Laboratory Support
Donna Shirley - Mars Project Office/Technical Support
Allen Sirota - Technical Support/Mission Operations
Hugh Smith - Antenna Technical Support
Henry W. Stone - Technical Support/Mission Operations
Art Thompson (ZaTHrus VI) - Engineering Support/Mission Operations
Matthew Wallace - Microrover Power Subsystem/Mission Operations
Paul Willis - Antenna Technical Support
Gordon Wood - Technical Support/ KSC testing/Telecom Mission Operations
The microrover telecom team wishes to thank the following people at Motorola and DataRadio for their contributions:
Steve Knapp - Motorola Mount Pleasant Radius Division
Robert Albrecht - DataRadio RNet Design Team
Steve Meyer - Formerly VP RNet Wireless Data
William Huhn - Formerly with RNet Wireless Data
Richard Vallee - RNet Modem Board Design Team
Robert Rouleau - President, DataRadio
Frank Crook - Motorola Factory Support
Curtis Roberts - Motorola Mount Pleasant Radius Division
Larry Sheely - Motorola Mount Pleasant Radius Division
Norman Ward - Motorola Mount Pleasant Radius Division
Steve Brendle - Motorola OEM Products
Edward Clark - Motorola IC Technology Center
Greg Connary - Motorola ATT Engineering Group
Claudio Rodriguez - Motorola IC Technology Center
The telecom team wishes to thank the following companies for their contributions:
Motorola Paging Products Division - RNet 9600 Radio Modem Supplier
DataRadio Corporation - RNet 9600 Radio Modem Manufacturer
Metric Systems Corp. - RNet 9600 PC based TelNet software
COMtrix Systems Inc. - RNETix MS-DOS drivers
Telogy (Steve Unsuz) - Equipment Rentals
Hewlett Packard Company (Mike Finnegan) - Equipment Rentals
Smily Antenna Company - UHF Test Antennas
Marvac Dow (Pasadena) - Electronic Components
Brookhaven National Laboratories - Radiation Test Facilities
The microrover telecom team also wishes to thank the following people for their contributions:
Wilbert Chew - Section 336 Technical support
Tom Cooper - Section 336 Technical support
Rick Crist - Section 336 Technical Support
Jim Parkyn - Section 333 Telecom Engineering Support
Walter W. Williams Jr. - Web Page Consulting
As you can see, building a telecommunications system for a microrover took the combined contributions and talents of many people. Once again, many thanks to you all!
Do you have any Questions or Comments relating to Rover Telecom?
Send them to:
rover-telecom@jpl.nasa.gov :-{)
We do not promise a prompt reply, but will endeavor to answer all email. Please be patient.
All information on this site, including text and images describing the Rover is copyright © 1997, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Companies listed on this page are here for informational purposes only and did not seek or request any endorsements from NASA, Caltech or the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
This page was last updated Friday October 3, 1997.
Web Author: Scot Stride, NASA-JPL, Telecommunications Hardware Section 336