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Mars Pathfinder Participating Scientists
and Facility Instrument Science Team (FIST)

Listed below are nineteen investigators that have been selected by NASA Headquarters in response to the Announcement of Opportunity for selection of Mars Pathfinder Participating Scientists (13) and a Facility Instrument Science Team (6) for the Atmospheric Structure Instrument/Meteorology Package. The purpose of the Participating Scientist program is to broaden scientific participation in the mission and to enhance the science return from the mission by augmenting the science team to include investigations not now represented.

The function of the Mars Pathfinder Atmospheric Structure Instrument/Meteorology Package Facility Instrument Science Team is to optimize the operation and data return from this facility instrument, to do initial scientific analysis of the data in support of the mission and to produce and place properly calibrated and referenced data sets into the Planetary Data System for use by the entire scientific community. Dr. Schofield was elected as Lead of the ASI/MET FIST.

Participating Scientists

Mars Pathfinder Windsock Experiment: Characterization of Aeolian Processes at the Landing Site
R. Sullivan, Arizona State University

Rock and Boulder Populations
M. Malin, Malin Space Science Systems, Inc.

Mars Pathfinder: Photogrammetric Characterization of the Landing Site and Geoscientific Evaluation of Imaging Data
R. Jaumann, DLR Institute for Planetary Exploration

Virtual Reality on Mars Pathfinder
C. Stoker, NASA/Ames Research Center

Mineralogy of the Mars Pathfinder Landing Site
J. Bell, Cornell University

Normative Mineralogy of Mars Pathfinder Rocks
H. McSween, University of Tennessee

Geologic Investigations Using IMP Imagery of Phobos and Deimos
S. Murchie, Applied Physics Laboratory

Rover Science and Exploration
H. J. Moore, US Geological Survey, Menlo Park

Tracking Pathfinder to Study Martian Interior and Climate
W. Folkner, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Geological Implications of the Pathfinder Magnetic Experiments
R. Hargraves, Princeton University

Investigation of Mars Atmosphere Structure
A. Seiff, NASA/Ames Research Center (San Jose State University Foundation)

Mars Atmosphere Thermal Tidal Studies
R. Haberle, NASA/Ames Research Center

Comparison Between Mars and Earth Atmospheric Surface Boundary Layers
S. Larsen, Risoe National Laboratory

Facility Instrument Science Team (FIST)

An Investigation of the Structure of the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
J. T. Schofield, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Meteorological Variability in the Martian Subtropics
J. Barnes, Oregon State University

Diurnal Variations in Mars Pathfinder Meteorology Data
J. Murphy, NASA/Ames Research Center (San Jose State University Foundation)

Studies of the Martian Boundary Layer: Heat and Momentum Fluxes
G. Wilson, Arizona State University

Pathfinder ASI/MET Thermal Balance Experiment
D. Crisp, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Reduction and Analysis of Mars Pathfinder Atmospheric Structure Data
J. Magalhaes, NASA/Ames Research Center (San Jose State University Foundation)

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