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Integrated Subsystem Assembly
External and Internal Data

L-4030 ras_elec_tmp

The temperature of the radar electronics (outside the ISA on the -Y side) in degrees C.

O-4010 shelf_temp_1

The temperature of the electronics shelf inside the lander in degrees C.

O-4015 agzn_temp_1

The temperature of the lander battery in degrees C.

T-4004 aux_osc_temp

The temperature of the auxiallary osciallator inside the transponder in degrees C.

T-4002 sspa_temp

The temperature of the SSPA (solid state power amplifier) or transmitter in degrees C. This is the hot power "hog" that uses most of the lander's available power.

O-4002 mfc_temp

The temperature of the lander computer (MFC) in degrees C.

D0001 spc_used_total

The total amount of memory space used (in bytes) for stored downlink data.