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Ground Data System

T-3107 Uplink Rate

The data rate in number of bits per second that is sent to the spacecraft from the Deep Space Network. The spacecraft must know this rate so that the on-board command detector unit can be set to receive commands from the DSN. the command rate typically varies from 7.815 bps to 250 bps depending on the spacecraft's distance from Earth and the antenna configuration.

T-0008 Downlink Rate

The data rate in number of bits per second that is sent from the spacecraft to the Deep Space Network. The command rate typically varies from 40 bps to 2000 bps depending on the spacecraft's distance from Earth and the antenna configuration.

U-0003 Num of Valid Frames

The total (cumulative) count of valid command "frames" that have been sent to the spacecraft since launch (or the last computer reset). A frame is a unit of data. Typically a command to the spacecraft will be made up of one or more frames depending on the size of the command.

C-3000 Last RealTime Cmd

The name of the last command sent to the spacecraft.

S-0002 Num Sequnces Stored

Total number of sequences stored on the spacecraft. A sequence is a time-tagged series of commands that execute as a script on command.

S-3017 Seq-1 Mission Phase

The state of seq machine #1 (of 8). If one or more sequences are currently active, it is also likely that this state machine is active.

S-3018 ID (Decimal)

The sequence ID of the seq that was last executed by seq machine #1.

S-3001 Last Cmd

The most recent command that was last executed by seq machine #1.