16:38:56 UTC or GMT | E-23m 31s | LGA-4h 26m 42s |
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ALTITUDE 8282 kilometers | Pt/No(RCP) +28.71 dB-Hz |
VELOCITY 7.4 kilometers/sec | BLOCK V AGC -161.28 dBm |
MACH NUMBER 40.3 | CARRIER SNR +11.63 dB |
FLIGHT PATH ANGLE 14.2 degrees | RCP SNR +18.09 dB |
07/04/97 16:30:28 Downlink Carrier Power Increases 1.7 dB | T+8m 29s |
07/04/97 16:32:28 Cruise Stage Separation | T+6m 29s |
07/04/97 16:38:39 Earth Rise on Mars (Sol 1) | T+18s |
07/04/97 16:45:00 Advise DSS-63/65 Expected Loss of Symbol Lock | T-6m 3s |
07/04/97 16:47:28 TLM to 5 bps uncoded; mod index 25DN; 22.5 kHz | T-8m 31s |
07/04/97 16:47:28 Downlink Carrier Power Decreases by 0.37 dB | T-8m 31s |
07/04/97 16:52:28 Calibration Semaphore Start (360 kHz) | T-13m 31s |