The IMP, the lander camera on the Mars Pathfinder mission, was designed and built primarily at the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, with help from collaborators around the world. The CCD detector, which registers light, was made in Germany, the magnets were made in Denmark, the windsocks were designed at Arizona State University, and the United States Geological Survey is assisting with the terrain mapping. The IMP travelled to Mars aboard the Mars Pathfinder, which was built at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.
IMP Science Team University of Arizona : Peter Smith; Principal Investigator Dan Britt; Project Manager and Geology Robert Singer; Spectroscopy Martin Tomasko, Lyn Doose; Atmosphere Max Planck Institute for Aeronomy, Lindau,Germany: H. Uwe Keller; Atmosphere United States Geological Survey: Laurence Soderblom; Spectroscopy Arizona State University: Ronald Greeley; Geology Niels Bohr Insitute, Denmark: Jens Martin Knudsen; magnets Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany: Fritz Gliem; Data Compression
IMP Contributions: CCD Detector and Readout Board: Max Planck Institute for Aeronomy, Lindau, Germany: H. Uwe Keller, Nick Thomas, Ralf Sablotny, Deltef Koschny, Rainer Kramm Data Compression Software: Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany: Fritz Gliem, Peter Rueffer Wind Sock Experiment: Arizona State University: Ronald Greeley and Rob Sullivan Magnets: Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark: Jens Martin Knudsen, Morten Madsen, Stubbe Hviid, Haraldur Palle Gunnlaugsson, Walter Goetz Terrain Mapping and Display Software: United States Geological Survey: Laurence Soderblom, Lisa Gaddis, Wes Ward, Randolph Kirk Camera Mast: A.E.C. Able Engineering Support: Lockheed Martin Astronautics Motors: American Technology Consortium
The University of Arizona IMP Team: Steve Bell; Electrical Engineer Dennis Bowers; Engineer Devon Crowe; Senior Calibrations Engineer Terry Friedman; Software Mark Lemmon; Research Associate Robert Marcialis; Engineer Robert Reynolds; Mechanical Engineer Chris Shinohara; Principal Systems Programmer Roger Tanner; Calibration Jonathan Weinberg; Calibration Mary Williams; Budget Analyst Graduate Students Mike Burkland; Data Reduction Eric Wegryn; Graduate Research Associate Undergraduate Students Chris Gee |