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Uwe Keller

Born: 25, Januar 1941 in Prague, Czech Republic (CZ).
Married, one child


1953 - 1960 Oberschule (high school) in Hamburg
1960 - 1963 Study of physics at University Hamburg, Vordiplom
1963 - 1967 Study of physics at University of MÅnchen,
Diploma (Prof. P. Wellmann)
1967 - 1971 PhD in Physics at Max-Planck-Institut fÅr Physik und Astrophysik/University of MÅnchen
(Prof. L. Biermann)
1977 Habilitation (right to teach) in astronomy und astrophysics at the University Gîttingen


1967 - 1971 Stipendiat of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Max-Planck-Institut fÅr Physik und Astrophysik, MÅnchen

1971 - 1972 Scientific employee
Max-Planck-Institut fÅr Physik und Astrophysik, MÅnchen

1972 - 1975 Scientific employee
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA

1975 - 1976 Scientific employee
Max-Planck-Institut fÅr Physik und Astrophysik, MÅnchen

1976 - Scientific employee
Max-Planck-Institut fÅr Aeronomie, Katlenburg-Lindau (Harz)

1987 - Senior Scientist
Max-Planck-Institut fÅr Aeronomie, Katlenburg-Lindau (Harz)


ESA Comet Consultant Group

NASA Comet Science Working Group

IACG Comet Halley Dust and Gas Evironment Working Group

ESA Space Telescope Working Group

Selection Committee for Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility

International Programme Advisory Board of meeting "CometaryExploration" in Ungarn 1982

Scientific Programme Committee of "Symposium on the Diversity andSimilarity of Comets" in Belgian 1987

Scientific Programme Committee of IAU Colloquiums "Comets in the Post-Halley Era" in Bamberg

Scientific Programme Committee of Asteroids Comets Meteors, ACM 96

Versailles (France)

Project Scientist of the Orbiting Planetary Telescope (Assessment Phase)

International Astronomical Union (IAU)

DPS Division of Planetary Science

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Planetenforschung der DFG

European Astronomical Society

Astronomische Gesellschaft


Stern Gerlach Preis der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft on March 14, 1990

ESA Studies

Assessment Study and Phase A report Giotto and precursors

Assessment Study AGORA

Phase A Study KEPLER

Assessment Study CAESAR

Assessment and Phase A Study VESTA

Assessment Study OPT

Science Working Group of Rosetta (ESA cornerstone mission)

I participated in several rocket experiments, deep space mission and observations by satellites. Prinicipal Investigator of the Halley Multicolour Camera on board the ESA Giotto spaceprobe, PI of OSIRIS (Camera System of Rosetta Mission).

Current Project Involvements


DISR Cassini/Huygens (Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer)

UVIS Cassini (Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer)

CODAG Microgravity experiment (dust agglomeration) for Shuttle (PI)

IMP Imager for Mars Pathfinder

MVACS Mars Surveyor 1998 Lander

OSIRIS Cameras for the ROSETTA comet rendezvous mission (PI)

Main Fields of Research

Physics of comets, stellar evolution and atmospheres, interplanetary matter (gas and dust), radiative transfer, planetary atmospheres, atmosphere-surface interaction


Keller, H.U. and G.E. Thomas 1973. Determination of the Solar Lyman-Alpha Flux Independent of Calibration by Ultraviolet Observations of Comet Bennett. Astrophys. J. 186, L87-L90.

Keller, H.U. 1976. The Interpretations of Ultraviolet Observations of Comets. Space Sci. Rev. 18, 641-684.

Keller, H.U. and R.R. Meier 1976. A Cometary Hydrogen Model for Arbitrary Observational Geometry. Astron. Astrophys. 52, 273-281.

Axford, W.I. and H.U. Keller 1978. Are Comets Dirty Snowballs or Dust Swarms?. Nature 273, 427-428.

Hellmich, R. and H.U. Keller 1981. On the Visibility of Nuclei of Dusty Comets. Icarus 47, 325-332.

Keller, H.U., K. Richter, and G.E. Thomas 1981. Multiple Scattering of Solar Resonance Radiation in the Nearby Interstellar Medium II. Astron. Astrophys. 102, 415-423.

Keller, H.U., C. Arpigny, C. Barbieri, P. Benvenuti, L. Biermann, R.M. Bonnet, S. Cazes, G. Colombo, C.B. Cosmovici, W.A. Delamere, W.F. Huebner, D.W. Hughes, G.E. Hunt, C. Jamar, C.D. Mackay, D. Malaise, W.K.H. Schmidt, P. Seige, F.L. Whipple, and K. Wilhelm 1981. A Halley Multicolour Camera. In Scientific and Experimental Aspects of the Giotto Mission. (B. Battrick and J. Mort, Eds.), ESA SP-169, pp. 105-117. ESA Scientific and Technical Publications Branch, ESTEC, Noordwijk.

Keller, H.U., C. Arpigny, C. Barbieri, R.M. Bonnet, S. Cazes, M. Coradini, C.B. Cosmovici, W.A. Delamere, W.F. Huebner, D.W. Hughes, C. Jamar, D. Malaise, H.J. Reitsema, H.U. Schmidt, W.K.H. Schmidt, P. Seige, F.L. Whipple, and K. Wilhelm 1986. First Halley Multicolour Camera imaging results from Giotto. Nature 321, 320-326.

Keller, H.U., W.K.H. Schmidt, K. Wilhelm, C. Becker, W. Curdt, W. Engelhardt, H. Hartwig, J.R. Kramm, H.J. Meyer, R. Schmidt, F. Gliem, E. Krahn, H.P. Schmidt, G. Schwarz, J.J. Turner, P. Boyries, S. Cazes, F. Angrilli, G. Bianchini, G. Fanti, P. Brunello, W.A. Delamere, H.J. Reitsema, C. Jamar, and C. Cucciaro 1987. The Halley multicolour camera. J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 20, 807-820.

Keller, H.U., W.A. Delamere, W.F. Huebner, H.J. Reitsema, H.U. Schmidt, F.L. Whipple, K. Wilhelm, W. Curdt, J.R. Kramm, N. Thomas, C. Arpigny, C. Barbieri, R.M. Bonnet, S. Cazes, M. Coradini, C.B. Cosmovici, D.W. Hughes, C. Jamar, D. Malaise, K. Schmidt, W.K.H. Schmidt, and P. Seige 1987. Comet P/Halley's nucleus and its activity. Astron. Astrophys. 187, 807-823.

Keller, H.U., R. Kramm, and N. Thomas 1988. Surface features on the nucleus of comet Halley. Nature 331, 227-231.

Keller, H.U. 1989. Comets - Dirty Snowballs or Icy Dirtballs?. In Proceedings of an International Workshop on Physics and Mechanics of Cometary Materials. (J. Hunt and T.D. Guyeme, Eds.), ESA SP-302, pp. 39-45. ESA Publications Division, ESTEC, Noordwijk.

Keller, H.U. 1989. Comets: A Key to Solar System Formation. Z. Naturforsch. 44a, 867-876.

Curdt, W. and H.U. Keller 1990. Large Dust Particles along the Giotto Trajectory. Icarus 86, 305-313.

Keller, H.U. 1990. The Nucleus. In Physics and Chemistry of Comets. (W.F. Huebner, Ed.), pp. 13-68. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, New York, Tokyo.

Keller, H.U. and W.J. Markiewicz 1991. KOSI?. Geophys. Res. Lett. 18, 249-252.

Keller, H.U., J. Blum, B. Donn, A. El Goresy, H. Fechtig, B.P. Feuerbacher, E. GrÅn, W.-H. Ip, H. Kochan, I. Mann, W.J. Markiewicz, K. Metzler, G.E. Morfill, L. Ratke, M. Rott, G. Schwehm, and S.J. Weidenschilling 1991. Columbus-Proto-Planetesimal Dust Aggregation Experiment. Proposal.

Keller, H.U., J. Knollenberg, and W.J. Markiewicz 1993. Dust jet collimation and surface topography of cometary nuclei. Annales Geophysicae 11, c468-c468.

Keller, H.U. 1994. Results of the space missions to comet Halley. Current Science 66, No.7&8, 603-611.

KÅhrt, E. and H.U. Keller 1994. The Formation of Cometary Surface Crusts. Icarus 109, 121-132.

Richter, K. and H.U. Keller 1994. On the Stability of Dust Particle Orbits

around Cometary Nuclei. Icarus 114, 355-371.

Petrova, E. H.U. Keller, W.J. Markiewicz, N. Thomas, and M.W. Wuttke 1996. Ice, Hazesand Clouds in the Martian Atmosphere as derived from the PHOBOS/KRFM DATA. Planet. Space Sci. 44, 1163-1176.

Wuttke, M.W., H.U. Keller, W.J. Markiewicz, E. Petrova, K. Richter and N. Thomas 1997. Properties of dust in the Mars atmosphere: a revised analysis of Phobos/KRFM data. Planet. Space Sci. 45, 281-288.

Smith, P.H., M.G. Tomasko, D. Britt, D.G. Crowe, R. Reid, H.U. Keller, N. Thomas, F. Gliem, P. Rueffer, R. Sullivan, R. Greeley, J.M. Knudsen, M.B. Madsen, H.P. Gunnlaugsson, S.F. Hviid, W. Goetz, L.A. Soderblom, L. Gaddis, R. Kirk 1997. The imager for Mars Pathfinder experiment. J. Geophys. Res. 102, 4003-4025.

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