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Nathan Thomas Bridges

Home Address:
5910 El Mio Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90042 MS 230-235
(213) 258-1022

Work Address:
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
MS 230-235
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 393-7799 (office)
(818) 393-1227 (fax)


University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 (1993-1997 )
Doctorate of philosophy (1997)
Major - Geology
Dissertation - "The origin of Venusian steep-sided domes"
Areas of specialization: planetary geology, volcanology, igneous petrology, remote sensing, and geophysics.

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1404 (1989-1992)
Master of science (1992)
Major - Geology
Thesis - "Laboratory studies of lava domes"
Areas of specialization: planetary geology, volcanology, remote sensing, and geophysics.

University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 (1985-1989)
Bachelor of Arts (1989)
Major - Geology

Career Related Work Experience

Postdoctoral Scholar, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 230-235, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109
(March, 1997-present)

1) Working with Dr. Matthew Golombek supporting planning, operations, and science data analysis for the Mars Pathfinder project,
2) Continuing studies of Venus, the seafloor, and terrestrial volcanology begun in graduate school.

Research Assistant, University of Massachusetts, Department of Geosciences, Amherst, MA 01003
(September 1993-March, 1997 )
1) Worked with Dr. George McGill studying Venusian and seafloor volcanology, 2) Worked with Dr. Sheila Seaman on mapping and petrology of volcanic rocks.

Teaching Assistant, University of Massachusetts, Department of Geosciences, Amherst, MA 01003
(September 1994 - December 1994)
Taught introductory mineralogy laboratory. The class covered crystallography, mineral classification and identification, and phase diagrams.

Geologist, US. Geological Survey, MS 946, 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025
(January 1992 - June 1993)
Worked with Dr. Michael H. Carr on lunar and Martian studies. Projects included analysis of Viking thermal inertia and Galileo SSI data and computer programming.

Research Assistant, Arizona State University, Department of Geology, Tempe, AZ 85287-1404
(May 1990-August 1990, January 1991 - January 1992)
Worked with Dr. Jonathan Fink on setting up a laboratory for lava flow simulations, analyzing results from previous laboratory studies, studying terrestrial and planetary lava domes, conducting experiments to simulate lava dome eruptions, and presenting results at the 1990, 1991, and 1992 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference meetings.

Teaching Assistant, Arizona State University, Department of Geology, Tempe, AZ 85287-1404
(August 1989-May 1990, August 1990-December 1990, August 1991-December 1991)
Taught a total of three sections of introductory geology lab. The class covered mineral and rock identification, the reading of geologic maps and cross-sections, structural geology, geomorphology, plate tectonics, seismology, and field geology. Also assisted in the organization of department colloquia.

Student Researcher, University of Colorado, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Boulder, CO 80309
(November 1988-August 1989).

Worked with Dr. Steven W. Lee reducing and interpreting Viking infrared thermal mapper data. Work required learning how to use the IRTM data set and associated computer hardware.

Student Summer Intern, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX 77058
(June 1988-August 1988)

Worked with Dr. Nadine Barlow examining Martian fluidized ejecta morphology.

Technician, lecturer, instructor, University of Colorado, Fiske Planetarium, Boulder, CO 80309-0408
(August 1985-May 1986, August 1986-May 1988, August 1988-August 1989).

Did a variety of work required to run a planetarium. Gained experience in teaching and operating and repairing complex machinery.

Student Intern, United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA 94025
(June 1984-September 1984)

As a high school student, worked for Dr. Henry J. Moore mapping and interpreting the distribution of rocks and other features around the Viking 1 landing site.

Honors and Awards

Selected as Caltech Postdoctoral Scholar 1997

Outstanding Employee Award at US Geological Survey 1993

Dwornik Best Student Paper Award at Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 1992

Sigma Gamma Epsilon Geology Student Honor Society 1990-1992

University of Colorado Travel Grant to Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 1989

Honorable Mention in Hughes/Griffith Observer Science Writing Contest 1988

Selected as Lunar and Planetary Institute Summer Intern 1988

Rotary Club Scholarship 1985-1986


Bridges, N.T. 1992. The Effective Particle Size of Martian Fines With Elevation Dependent Corrections. 24th Annual DPS Meeting Abstracts, p. 986.

Bridges, N.T. 1992. Thermal Inertia-Derived Particle Size of Martian Fines With Elevation-Dependent Corrections: Implications for Tharsis. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 1992 Fall Meeting, p. 323.

Bridges, N.T. 1993. Martian Particle Size Based on Thermal Inertia Corrected For Elevation-Dependent Atmospheric Properties. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, p. 189 - 190.

Bridges, N.T. 1994. Pancake Domes on Venus and the Seafloor. Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, p. 169-170.

Bridges, N.T. 1995. Ambient Effects of Basalts and Rhyolites on Venus and Earth. Lunar and Planetary Science XXVI, p. 173-174.

Bridges, N.T. 1997. Volatile Exsolution From Venusian Lavas: Insights From Subaerial and Subaqueous Environments. Geological Society of America, Fall 1997 meeting.

Bridges, N.T. and Barlow, N.G. 1989. Variation of Martian Rampart Ejecta Lobateness in Comparison to Latitude, Longitude, Terrain, and Crater Diameter. Lunar and Planetary Science XX, p. 105 - 106.

Bridges, N.T. and Fink, J.H. 1992. Aspect Ratios of Lava Domes on the Earth, Moon, and Venus. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIII, p. 159-160.

Bridges, N.T., Fink, J.H., and Griffiths, R.W. 1991. The Effects of Cooling on Lava Dome Morphology. Lunar and Planetary Science XXII, p. 137 - 138.

Bridges, N.T. and McGill, G.E. 1996. Formation and Modification Ages of Some Steep-sided Domes on Venus. Lunar and Planetary Science XXVII, p. 165-166.

Bridges, N.T. and McGill, G.E. 1996. Geologic and Tectonic History of Kaiwan Fluctus Quadrangle (V44), Venus. Geological Society of America, Fall 1996 meeting.

Bridges, N.T. and McGill, G.E. 1997. Heights of Venusian Steep-sided Domes. Lunar and Planetary Science XXVIII.

Bridges, N.T. and Seaman, S.J. 1995. Magma Mingling and Effusive Volcanism in the Tumacacori Mountains, Arizona. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 1995 Fall Meeting, p. 665.

Fink, J.H. and Bridges, N.T. 1990. Predicting Extra-terrestrial Lava Flow Morphology. Lunar and Planetary Science XXI, p. 363 - 364.

Fink, J.H. and Bridges, N.T. 1990. Predicting Extra-terrestrial Lava Flow Morphology. Reports of the Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program-1989, NASA Technical Memorandum 4210, p. 414 - 415.

Fink, J.H., Bridges, N.T., and Griffiths, R.W. 1991. Factors Controlling Lava Dome Morphology. Reports of the Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program-1990, NASA Technical Memorandum 4306 p. 172 - 173.

Fink, J.H., Grimm, R.E., Kieffer, S.W. and Bridges, N.T. 1993. Explosion Pits, Slump Deposits and Overall Shapes of Venusian Pancake Domes Suggest Silicic Compositions. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 1993 Spring Meeting, p. 190.

Head, J.W., Belton, M., Greeley, R., Pieters, C., Fischer, E., Sunshine, J., Klaasen, K., McEwen, A., Becker, T., Neukum, G., Oberst, J., Pilcher, C., Plutchak, J., Robinson, M., Johnson, T., Williams, D., Kadel, S., Sullivan, R., Antonenko, I., Bridges, N., and the Galileo Imaging Team. 1993. Lunar Impact Basins: New Data for the Nearside Northern High Latitudes and Eastern Limb From the Second Galileo Flyby. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, p. 623 - 624.

Head, J.W., Pieters, C., Fischer, E., Sunshine, J., Antonenko, I., Mustard, J., Greeley, R., Bridges, N., and Neukum, G. 1993. Impact Basin Deposits in the Lunar Nearside Northern High Latitudes: Galileo Earth-Moon 2 Encounter Results. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 1993 Spring Meeting,.

Lee, S.W., Clancy, R.T. and Bridges, N.T. 1989. Mars: Regional Photometric Studies From the Viking Orbiter IRTM. 21st Annual DPS Meeting, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 21, no. 3, p. 956.

Rice, J.W., Williams, D.A., and Bridges, N.T. 1990. Assessment and Selection of Martian Penetrator and Balloon Sites. Case for Mars IV Abstracts, p. 51-52.

Zimbelman, J.R. and Bridges, N.T. 1997. Properties of Venusian Lava Flows Estimated From Geologic Mapping and Terrestrial Analogs. Geological Society of America, Fall 1997 meeting


Bridges, N.T. 1988. The Moons of Mars: History, Discovery, and Exploration. Griffith Observer, vol. 52, p. 2 - 10.

Bridges, N.T. 1994. Elevation-Corrected Thermal Inertia and Derived Particle Size on Mars and Implications For the Tharsis Montes. Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 21, p. 785-788.

Bridges, N.T. 1995. Submarine Analogs to Venusian Pancake Domes. Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 22, p. 2781-2784.

Bridges, N.T. 1997. Ambient Effects on Basalt and Rhyolite Lavas Under Venusian, Subaerial, and Subaqueous Conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 102, p. 9243-9255.

Bridges, N.T. 1997. Characteristics of Seamounts Near Hawaii as Viewed by GLORIA. Marine Geology, vol. 138, p.273-301.

Fink, J.H. and Bridges, N.T. 1995. Effects of Eruption Growth and Cooling Rate on Lava Dome Growth. Bulletin of Volcanology, vol. 57, p. 229-239.

Fink, J.H., Bridges, N.T., and Grimm, R.E. 1993. Shapes of Venusian "Pancake" Domes Imply Episodic Emplacement and Silicic Compositions. Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 20, p. 261-264.

Professional and College Activities

Planetary Society Member 1980-Present

American Geophysical Union Member 1988-Present

President, Arizona State University Geology Club 1990-1991

Mineralogical Society of America Member 1995-Present

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