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Mars Pathfinder Status

The Mars Pathfinder Lander and Microrover Sojourner at JPL's Spacecraft Assembly Facility

We have completed the first phase of flight system integration and tests in our Assembly, Test, and Launch Operations (ATLO) program. This was a kind of a dress rehearsal for the next phase, lasting from January through July 1996, in which the flight system will undergo formal space qualification and environmental testing. This includes acoustics, thermal/vacuum, thermal Mars surface atmosphere, electromagnetic compatibility, pyro shock, and system tests. The flight system will be fully built by the end of January 1996.

In parallel with ATLO, we are winding up our Entry, Descent, and Landing (EDL) drop tests and system simulations. The focus is shifting here from drop tests to checkout of the EDL flight software in our Test Bed and on the flight system in ATLO.

The Mars Pathfinder Cruise Stage under construction
at the Spacecraft Assembly Facility cleanroom

We remain scheduled to ship the flight system to the Eastern Test Range as early as possible in August 1996 for final assembly and test, mate, launch preparations, and launch on December 2, 1996!

--Tony Spear
