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Matthew P. Golombek



Matthew P. Golombek

Earth and Space Sciences Division
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Mail Stop 183-501 Mars Pathfinder Project Office
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, California 91109
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Mars Pathfinder Project Office


September 1998

 Education:  Ph.D. 1981, University of Massachusetts - Geology
Dissertation - Structural Geology and Geophysics
   M.S. 1978, University of Massachusetts - Geology
Thesis - Structural and Planetary Geology
  A.B. 1976, Rutgers College, New Jersey - Geology
(graduated with honors and highest distinction in Geology)
Thesis - Geophysics

Employment: Mars Pathfinder
Project Scientist:
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology, 1/94 - present
  Research Scientist: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
11/83 - present
  Lecturer: California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Introduction to the Solar System, 9/86 - 12/86
  Visiting Scientist &
Post-Doctoral Fellow:
Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX
9/81 - 10/83
  Lecturer: University of Houston at Clear Lake City
Graduate course in Plate Tectonics, 1/83 - 5/83
  Research Assistant: University of Massachusetts
Structural and Planetary Geology, 9/76 - 7/81
  Teaching Assistant: University of Massachusetts,
Lab Instructor, 9/79 - 12/79
  Guest Lecturer: Geophysics, Structural Geology, Introductory Geology, Planetary Geology
  Research Assistant: Rutgers University, Sedimentology,
5/76 - 8/76

Professional Experience: Viking Guest Investigator,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA 12/77.
U. S. Geological Survey, Astrogeology Branch, Flagstaff, AZ 1/78.
Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX 1/78.

 Service: Chairman, Mars Pathfinder Project Science Group, 1/94 to present. Foreword to Special Issue of Journal of Geophysical Research, Planets, "Mars Pathfinder Mission and Ares Vallis Landing Site", v. 102, p. 3951. Convener, Special Pathfinder Sessions at 1997 and 1998 AGU Fall Meeting, 1998 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1998 European Geophysical Society Meeting, and 1998 COSPAR Meeting.
  Member JPL Mars Exploration Education and Outreach Advisory Board, 11/94 to present.
  Member JPL Space and Earth Science Programs Directorate
Science Advisory Group, 12/92 to 8/97.
  Member Scientific Organizing Committee: Conference on Early Mars: Geologic and Hydrologic Evolution, Physical and Chemical Environments, and the Implications for Life, April 24-27, 1997, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Mars Exploration Panel Discussion Speaker
  Planetology Editor, Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union,
Member AGU Planetology Executive Committee, 1/94-1/97.
   Member Science Advisory Committee, Mission to Mars Feasibility Study, Educational Television Series, Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1996.
   Member Mars Science Working Group, 10/89 to 5/96.
A Strategy for the Scientific Exploration of Mars:
JPL Document-8211, February 1991, 45pp.
   Workshop Convener: Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Workshop II: Characteristics of the Ares Vallis Region and Field Trips to the Channeled Scabland, September 24-29, 1995, Moses Lake and Spokane, Washington
Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Workshop II: Characteristics of the Ares Vallis Region and Field Trips in the Channeled Scabland, Washington, Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report 95-01, 1995, Part 1, 63 pp; Part 2, 47 pp. Authored Scientists, Educators Prepare for Mars Pathfinder Mission News Item, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 77, p. 9-10, January 9, 1996.
  Workshop Convener: Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Workshop
April 18-19, 1994, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Workshop, Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report 94-04, 1994, 49pp.
  Member Organizing and Program Committee, Icy Galilean Satelittes Conference, San Juan Capistrano, California, February 1-3, 1994.
   Member MESUR, Mars Environmental Survey Mission,
Science Definition Team, 1/92 to 12/93.
  Member Program Committee, 14th and 24th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1/83, 1/92.
  Symposium Convener: Strike-Slip Faulting: Geologic and Geophysical Perspectives, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, October 20-24, 1991.
  Workshop Panel Member: Robotic Exploration of the Moon and Mars, Office of Technology Assessment, U. S. Congress, Washington, D. C., 2/20/91.
  Deputy Chairman: Mars Rover Sample Return Science Working Group 3/87 to 9/89, Authored Science Objectives Document, A Report of the MRSR Science Working Group: JPL Document-6247, February 1, 1989, 34pp.
  Workshop Convener Tectonic Features on Mars, for MEVTV - Mars:
Evolution of Volcanism, Tectonism and Volatiles Program,
Richland, Washington, April 20-21, 1989,
MEVTV Workshop on Tectonic Features on Mars, Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report 89-06, 1989, 126pp.
  Contributor to Topographic Science Working Group Report to the Land Processes Branch, Earth Sciences and Applications Division, NASA Headquarters, 1988, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 64 pp.
  Member NASA "Mars: Evolution of Volcanism, Tectonism and Volatiles" MEVTV Review Panel, Mars Data Analysis Program, 8/86 to 4/89.
  Chairman Working Group on GPS Measurements in the Mojave Desert, 2/88 to 1/89,
Report of the Mojave Working Group on Geodetic Measurements in the Mojave Desert: JPL Document-5860, October 15, 1988, 13 pp.
  Member NASA "Lageos II" Review Panel, Geodynamics Program, 10/88.
  Summarizer 18th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Outer Solar System - Ganymede, Miranda and Io attract attention, Geotimes, v. 32, p. 19-20, June 1987.
  Member GPS Management and Planning Group, JPL 1986.
GPS Measurement System Development for Regional Geodesy, Operating Plan: JPL Internal Document D-3562, 49 pp., August 15, 1986.
Authored GPS Measurements in the Caribbean, News Item, EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 68, p. 1593, November 17, 1987.
  Summarizer 17th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. For Mars and Galilean Satellites - Stress/Strain Models account for Tectonics . Geotimes, v. 6, p. 14-15, June 1986.
  Associate Editor, Tectonophysics, 1986, Heat and Detachment in Crustal Extension Proceedings Volume 174, March 1, 1990.
  Member Planetary Cartography Working Group, 1/83 to 1/84.
Planetary Cartography in the Next Decade 1984 - 1994:
NASA Special Publication-475, 71 pp., 1984.
  Chairman Lunar and Planetary Institute Seminar Series, 1981-1983.
  Committee Member, 1979-80, Visiting Lecture Series,
Department of Geology and Geography, University of Massachusetts.

Memberships: American Geophysical Union, Geological Society of America

Scholarships and Awards:

Schlumberger Scholarship - Rutgers University, 9/75 - 5/76.

Vinton Gwinn Memorial Prize - Rutgers University, Awarded annually for the
best paper on any aspect of the Appalachian Mountains.
Title: Plate Tectonic Evolution of the Appalachian Orogen, April 1976.

1997 Laurels Award for Outstanding Achievement in Space, Aviation Week & Space Technology.

Presidential Citation - Rutgers University, January 31, 1998.

City of Hackensack, N. J. Proclamation, February 12, 1998,
"Dr. Matt Golombek Day"

State of New Jersey General Assembly Resolution Commendation, February 1998.

Award for Excellence, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Exceptional Technical
Excellence, Significant achievement as the Project Scientist for the Mars
Pathfinder Mission, April 1998.

Distinguished Alumni Award for Professional Service, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst Alumni Association, April 1998.

1998 Hall of Distinguished Alumni Award, Rutgers University Alumni
Federation, April 1998.

Rutgers College Class of 1998 Commencement Speaker, May 21, 1998.

Asteroid Named (6456) Golombek = 1992 OM in honor.

NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal, June 30, 1998.

Funding: Principal Investigator: Tectonics of Planetary Structures NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program 10/83 to present.
  Principal Investigator: Southern California Tectonics
NASA Geodynamics Program, 10/83 - 9/94.
  Participating Scientist:

Structural Geology of Mars Mars Global Surveyor Mission, 10/97 - Mars Observer Mission, 10/92 to 10/93.


  Principal Investigator: Recent Crustal Motion in the Mojave Desert
NASA Land Processes Program, 10/88 - 9/92.
  Principal Investigator: Tharsis Tectonics and Deformation Mechanisms on Mars NASA Mars Data Analysis Program 1/87-12/89.
  Co Investigator: WFPC2 Support for the Mars Pathfinder Mission
Hubble Space Telescope General Observer Program, Cycle 6, 7/96 to present.

Geological and Geophysical Investigations of Upheaval Dome
NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program, 10/93 to present.



Active Deformation in the Mojave Desert and Walker Lane Regions: A Global Positioning System Experiment
Solid Earth Sciences Program, 9/90 to 9/94.




SNAPP - GPS Geodetic Monitoring of South America - Nazca Plate Convergence
Solid Earth Sciences Program, 1/92 to 9/94.



  Co-Investigator: Application of Remote Sensing Imagery to Neo- tectonic Problems in the Baja California Peninsula
Solid Earth Sciences Program, 10/89-9/92.

Late Precambrian Crustal Accretion and Growth in Northeast Africa NASA Land Processes Program, 1/87-9/89.


  Project Scientist: Mars Pathfinder Flight Project, 1/94 to present. Organized production of NASA Announcement of Opportunity AO-96-OSS-01 - Mars Pathfinder and Mars'96 Lander Science Opportunities and selection of Participating and Facility Instrument Scientists NASA Group Achievement Awards for work in Management and Science and Instruments Teams within the Project
  Pre-Project Scientist: MESUR, Mars Environmental SURvey Network
Developmental Flight Project, 1/92 to 12/93.
Exploration Initiative Studies, 10/89 - 1/92.
Space Exploration Initiative and
JPL, Office of Space Science and Instruments
NASA Group Achievement Award for work on NASA "Report of the 90-day Study on
Human Exploration of the Moon and Mars"
  Microrover Demonstration Scientist: JPL Mars Science Microrover Demonstration
Chairman of Microrover Science Advisory Group
NASA Group Achievement Award, 4/91-9/92.
  Study Scientist: Mars Rover Sample Return Developmental Flight Project, 3/87-9/89.
  Global Positioning System Scientist: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  Field Support: Geologic Mapping and Paleomagnetic Sampling in New Mexico
New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, 6/83-9/83; 6/84-7/84.

- Papers:

Golombek, M. P., and Carr, M. J., 1978, Tidal triggering of volcanic and seismic phenomena during the 1879-1880 eruption of Islas Quemadas volcano in El Salvador, Central America: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 3, p. 299-307.

Wise, D. U., Golombek, M. P., and McGill, G. E., 1979, Tharsis province of Mars: Geologic sequence, geometry, and a deformation mechanism: Icarus, v. 38, p. 456-472.

Golombek, M. P., 1979, Structural analysis of lunar grabens and the shallow crustal structure of the Moon: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 84, p. 4657-4666.

Wise, D. U., Golombek, M. P., and McGill, G. E., 1979, Tectonic evolution of Mars: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 84, p. 7934-7939.

Golombek, M. P., 1981, Geometry and rate of extension across the Pajarito fault zone, Espanola basin, Rio Grande rift, northern New Mexico: Geology, v. 9, p. 21-24.

Golombek, M. P., and Allison, M. L., 1981, Sequential development of grooved terrain and polygons on Ganymede: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 8, p. 1139-1142.

Golombek, M. P., 1982, Structural history of the Pajarito fault zone in the Espanola basin, Rio Grande rift, New Mexico: New Mexico Geology, v. 4, p. 39-41, 48.

Golombek, M. P., 1982, Constraints on the expansion of Ganymede and the thickness of the lithosphere: Proceedings of the 13th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 87, p. A77-A83.

Golombek, M. P., 1983, Geology, structure and tectonics of the Pajarito fault zone in the Espanola basin of the Rio Grande rift, New Mexico: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 94, p. 192-205, and cover.

Golombek, M. P., and McGill, G. E., 1983, Grabens, basin tectonics, and the maximum total expansion of the moon: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 88, p. 3563-3578.

Golombek, M. P., McGill, G. E., and Brown, L. L., 1983, Tectonic and geologic evolution of the Espanola basin of the Rio Grande rift: Structure, rate of extension, and relation to the state of stress in the western United States: Tectonophysics, v. 94, p. 483-507;
----- also published in P. Morgan, and B. H. Baker, eds.,
Processes of Continental Rifting, Developments in Geotectonics, 19, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp. 483-507.

Morgan, P., and Golombek, M. P., 1984, Factors controlling the phases and styles of extension in the northern Rio Grande rift: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 35th Field Conference, Rio Grande Rift: Northern New Mexico, p. 13-19.

Brown, L. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1985, Tectonic rotations within the Rio Grande rift: Evidence from paleomagnetic studies: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 90, p. 790-802.

Golombek, M. P., 1985, Fault type predictions from stress distributions on planetary surfaces: Importance of fault initiation depth: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 90, p. 3065-3074.

Dixon, T. H., Golombek, M. P., and Thornton, C. L., 1985, Constraints on Pacific plate kinematics and dynamics with Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Special Issue on Satellite Geodynamics, v. GE-23, p. 491-501.

Morgan, P., Seager, W. R., and Golombek, M. P., 1986, Cenozoic thermal, mechanical, and tectonic evolution of the Rio Grande rift: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 91, p. 6263-6276.

Brown, L. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1986, Block rotations in the Rio Grande rift, New Mexico: Tectonics, v. 5, p. 423-438.

Lyzenga, G. A., and Golombek, M. P., 1986, North American-Pacific relative plate motion in southern California from interferometry: Science, v. 233, p. 1181-1183, and cover.

Plescia, J. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1986, Origin of planetary wrinkle ridges based on the study of terrestrial analogs: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 97, p. 1289-1299.

Golombek, M. P., and Banerdt, W. B., 1986, Early thermal profiles and lithospheric strength of Ganymede from extensional tectonic features: Icarus, v. 68, p. 252-265.

Banerdt, W. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1988, Deformational models of rifting and folding on Venus: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 93, p. 4759-4772.

Golombek, M. P., and Brown, L. L., 1988, Clockwise rotation of the western Mojave Desert: Geology, v. 16, p. 126-130.

Buratti, B., and Golombek, M., 1988, Geologic implications of spectrophotometric measurements of Europa: Icarus, v. 75, p. 437-449.

Dixon, T. H., and Golombek, M. P., 1988, Precambrian crustal accretion rates in northeast Africa and Arabia: Geology, v. 16, p. 991-994, and cover.

Freymueller, J. T., and Golombek, M. P., 1988, Geometry and treatment of fiducial networks: Effect on GPS baseline precision in South America: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 15, p. 1467-1469.

Tanaka, K. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1989, Martian tension fractures and the formation of grabens and collapse features at Valles Marineris: Proceedings of the 19th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p. 383-396.

Golombek, M. P., and Banerdt, W. B., 1990, Constraints on the subsurface structure of Europa: Icarus, v. 83, p. 441-452.

Ivins, E. R., Dixon, T. H., and Golombek, M. P., 1990, Extensional reactivation of an abandoned thrust: A bound on shallowing in the brittle regime: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 12, p. 303-314.

Davis, P. A., and Golombek, M. P., 1990, Discontinuities in the shallow Martian crust at Lunae, Syria, and Sinai Plana: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 95, p. 14,231-14,248.

Golombek, M. P., Plescia, J. B., and Franklin, B. J., 1991, Faulting and folding in the formation of planetary wrinkle ridges: Proceedings of the 21st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p. 679-693.

Tanaka, K. L., Golombek, M. P., and Banerdt, W. B., 1991, Reconciling stress and structural histories of the Tharsis region of Mars: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 96, p. 15,617-15,633.

Golombek, M. P., 1992, Planetary tectonic processes, terrestrial planets: Review article, p. 544-546, in
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia, S. P. Maran, ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY, 1002 pp.

Banerdt, W. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1992, Constraints on the structure and evolution of the Tharsis region of Mars: in
Planetary Geosciences 1989 - 1990, NASA Special Publication SP-508, M. T. Zuber, O. B. James, J. I. Lunine, G. J. MacPherson, and R. J. Phillips, eds., p. 4-6.

Miller, M. M., Golombek, M. P., Dokka, R. K., and Fisher, S., 1992, Distribution of contemporary slip in the Mojave Desert and Walker Lane: A Global Positioning System (GPS) experiment: in
Deformation associated with the Neogene Eastern California Shear Zone, southeastern Arizona and southeastern California, S. M. Richard, ed., San Bernardino County Museum Special Publication, Redlands, CA, p. 59-63.

Banerdt, W. B., Golombek, M. P., and Tanaka, K. L., 1992, Stress and Tectonics on Mars, Chapter 8, p. 249-297, in
MARS, Kieffer, H. H., Jakosky, B. M., Snyder, C. W., and Matthews, M. S., eds., University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1498 pp.

Golombek, M. P., Banerdt, W. B., Tanaka, K. L., and Tralli, D. M., 1992, A prediction of Mars seismicity from surface faulting: Science, v. 258, p. 979-981.

Valentine, M. J., Brown, L. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1993, Cenozoic crustal rotations in the Mojave Desert from paleomagnetic studies around Barstow, California: Tectonics, v. 12, p. 666-677.

Miller, M. M., Webb, F. H., Townsend, D., Golombek, M. P., and Dokka, R. K., 1993, Regional coseismic deformation from the June 28, 1992, Landers earthquake: Results from the Mojave GPS network: Geology, v. 21, p. 868-872.

Brown, L. L., Caffall, N. M., and Golombek, M. P., 1993, Paleomagnetism and tectonic interpretations of the Taos Plateau volcanic field, Rio Grande rift, New Mexico: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 98, p. 22,401-22,413.

Davis, P. A., Tanaka, K. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1995, Topography of closed depressions, scarps, and grabens in the north Tharsis region of Mars: Implications for shallow crustal discontinuities and graben formation: Icarus, v. 114, p. 403-422.

Golombek, M. P., 1996, Tectonism, Planetary: Review article, p. 1079-1084, in
Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences, E. J. Dasch, ed., v. 2, Simon & Schuster Macmillan, NY, 1273 pp.

Golombek, M. P., Tanaka, K. L., and Franklin, B. J., 1996, Extension across Tempe Terra, Mars from measurements of fault-scarp widths and deformed craters: Journal of Geophysical Research, Planets, v. 101, p. 26,119-26,130.

Golombek, M., 1996, Roving for rocks on the Red Planet: The Mars Pathfinder mission: Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 77, p. 489, 492-493 and cover; also published in Earth in Space, v. 9, No. 6, p. 6-8 and cover.

Golombek, M. P., 1997, The Mars Pathfinder mission: Journal of Geophysical Research, Planets, v. 102, p. 3953-3965.

Golombek, M. P., Cook, R. A., Moore, H J.., and Parker, T. J., 1997, Selection of the Mars Pathfinder landing site: Journal of Geophysical Research, Planets, v. 102, p. 3967-3988.

Golombek, M., and Rapp, D., 1997, Size-frequency distributions of rocks on Mars and Earth analog sites: Implications for future landed missions: Journal of Geophysical Research, Planets, v. 102, p. 4117-4129.

Brown, L. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1997, Tectonic stability of the San Luis hills, northern Rio Grange rift, Colorado: Evidence from paleomagnetic measurements: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 24, p. 473-476.

Golombek, M. P., Cook, R. A., Economou, T., Folkner, W. M., Haldemann, A. F. C., Kallemeyn, P. H., Knudsen, J. M., Manning, R. M., Moore, H. J., Parker, T. J., Rieder, R., Schofield, J. T., Smith, P. H., amd Vaughan, R. M., 1997, Overview of the Mars Pathfinder mission and assessment of landing site predictions: Science, v. 278, p. 1743-1748.

Golombek, M. P., The Mars Pathfinder mission: Scientific American, v. 279, p. 40-49, July 1998.

Golombek, M. P., the Mars Pathfindet science team and others, Overview of the Mars Pathfinder mission: launch through landing, surface operations, data sets, and science results: Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research, Planets, As Lead Paper to Special Issue on the Mars Pathfinder Mission, Accepted 7/98.

Golombek, M. P., H. J. Moore, A. F. C. Haldemann, T. J. Parker, and J. T. Schofield, Assessment of Mars Pathfinder landing site predictions: Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research, Special Issue on the Mars Pathfinder Mission, 3/13/98.

Ward, A. W., Gaddis, L. R., Kirk, R. L., Soderblom, L. A., Tanaka, K. L., Golombek, M. P., Parker, T. J., Greeley, R., and Kuzmin, R. O., General geology and geomorphology of the Mars Pathfinder landing site: Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research, Special Issue on the Mars Pathfinder Mission, 3/10/98.

McSween, H. Y., Jr., Murchie, S. L., Crisp, J. A., Bridges, N. T., Anderson, R. C., Bell III, J. F., Britt, D. T., Brückner, J., Dreibus, G., Economou, T., Ghosh, A., Golombek, M. P., Greenwood, J. P., Johnson, J. R., Moore, H. J., Morris, R. V., Parker, T. J., Rieder, R., Singer, R., and Wänke, H., Chemical, multispectral, and textural constraints on the composition and origin of rocks at the Mars Pathfinder landing site: Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research, Special Issue on the Mars Pathfinder Mission, 2/98.

Oberst, J., Jaumann, R., Zeitler, W., Hauber, E., Kuschel, M., Parker, T., Golombek, M., Malin, M., and Soderblom, L., Photogrammetric Analysis of horizon panoramas: the Pathfinder Landing site in Viking Orbiter images: Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research, Special Issue on the Mars Pathfinder Mission, 2/98.


- Abstracts, Unreviewed Conference Papers and Short Reports:

Golombek, M. P., and McGill, G. E., 1977, Straight and arcuate lunar rilles as indicators of shallow crustal structure: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 58, p. 1180.

Golombek, M. P., and Carr, M. J., 1978, Tidal triggering of volcanic and seismic phenomena during the 1879-1880 eruption of Islas Quemadas volcano in El Salvador, Central America: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 59, p. 312.

Golombek, M. P., 1978, Geometry of lunar grabens: Implications for shallow crustal structure (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology Program, 1977-1978, NASA Tech. Mem. 79729, p. 103-105.

Wise, D. U., Golombek, M. P., and McGill, G. E., 1978, Tharsis province of Mars: Deformational history and fault sequence (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology Program, 1977-1978, NASA Tech. Mem. 79729, p. 203-204.

Wise, D. U., Golombek, M. P., and McGill, G. E., 1979, Structural sequence, timing, and a model for the evolution of the Tharsis province of Mars: NASA Conf. Pub. 2072, Second International Colloquium on Mars, p. 89.

Golombek, M. P., 1979, Mechanics of lunar graben formation and the tectonics of the Moon: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 60, p. 299.

Wise, D. U., McGill, G. E., and Golombek, M. P., 1979, Asymmetry of Mars: Importance of core formation to Martian tectonic history (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology Program, 1978-1979, NASA Tech. Mem. 80339, p. 100-101

Golombek, M. P., and McGill, G. E., 1980, Origin of lunar grabens and constraints on the total expansion of the Moon (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology Program, 1979-1980, NASA Tech. Mem. 81776, p. 19-21.

Golombek, M. P., and McGill, G. E., 1980, Origin of lunar grabens and constraints on the total expansion of the Moon (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XI, p. 339-341.

Golombek, M. P., 1980, Geometry and rate of extension across the Pajarito fault zone, Espanola basin, Rio Grande rift, northern New Mexico: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1980 Annual Meeting, v. 12, p. 434.

Golombek, M., and Brown, L., 1981, Late Miocene-early Pliocene paleomagnetic results from the Jemez Mountains, northern New Mexico: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 62, p. 263.

Allison, M. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1981, Sequential development of polygons in relation to grooved terrain on Ganymede: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 62, p. 318.

Golombek, M., 1981, Structure and tectonics of the Pajarito fault zone in the Espanola basin of the Rio Grande rift, northern New Mexico: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1981 Annual Meeting, v. 13, p. 461.

Golombek, M. P., and McGill, G. E., 1981, Rio Grande rift: Active or passive? Evidence from detailed events in the tectonic history of the Espanola basin, and relation to the state of stress in the Basin and Range province of the western United States (expanded abstract): Papers Presented to the Conference on the Processes of Planetary Rifting, Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution No. 457, p. 99-102.

McGill, G. E., and Golombek, M. P., 1981, Kinematics of basin subsidence, grabens, and lunar expansion (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology program - 1981, NASA Tech. Mem. 84211, p. 402-404.

Golombek, M. P., and Allison, M. L., 1981, Sequential development of grooved terrain and polygons on Ganymede (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology Program - 1981, NASA Tech. Mem. 84211, p. 54-56.

Golombek, M. P., 1982, Limits on the expansion of Ganymede and the thickness of the lithosphere (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XIII, p. 269-270.

McGill, G. E., and Golombek, M. P., 1982, Kinematics of basin subsidence, grabens, and lunar expansion (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XIII, p. 487-488.

Brown, L., and Golombek, M., 1982, Paleomagnetic evidence for tectonic rotation of the Colorado Plateau and Rio Grande rift, New Mexico: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1982 Annual Meeting, v. 14, p. 453.

Golombek, M. P., 1982, Extension in the Rio Grande rift and Basin and Range: Active or passive?: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1982 Annual Meeting, v. 14, p. 498.

Golombek, M. P., 1983, Fault type predictions from stress distributions on planetary surfaces: Importance of fault initiation depth (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XIV, p. 249-250.

Golombek, M. P., and Bruckenthal, E., 1983, Origin of triple bands on Europa (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XIV, p. 251-252.

Golombek, M. P., and Phillips, R. J., 1983, Tharsis fault sequence as a test of a deformation mechanism (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XIV, p. 253-254.

Runyon, C. J., and Golombek, M. P., 1983, Martian grabens and permafrost thickness on Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XIV, p. 660-661.

Phillips, R. J., and Golombek, M. P., 1983, Deformation sequence of Tharsis as a guide to thermal evolution (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XIV, p. 604-605.

Golombek, M., 1983, Rate of extension across the Espanola basin, Rio Grande rift, New Mexico: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1983 Cordilleran/Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, v. 15, p. 321.

Brown, L., and Golombek, M., 1983, Tectonic rotations within the Rio Grande rift: Evidence from paleomagnetic studies: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1983 Cordilleran/Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, v. 15, p. 321.

Golombek, M., and Brown, L., 1983, Rotation of tectonic blocks within the Rio Grande rift, New Mexico: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 64, p. 686.

Golombek, M. P., 1984, Why are there no strike-slip faults on the planets and satellites? (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XV, p. 306-307.

Golombek, M. P., and Dixon, T. H., 1984, The use of Global Positioning System measurements to constrain plate convergence rates (expanded abstract): 1984 Geodynamics Symposium, Collision Tectonics: Deformation of Continental Lithosphere, at Texas A&M University, College Station, April, 1984.

Dixon, T. H., and Golombek, M. P., 1984, Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements as a constraint on plate driving forces: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 65, p. 193.

Brown, L. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1984, Paleomagnetic studies of Oligocene igneous rocks, New Mexico: Further evidence for tectonic rotations, Rio Grande rift: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1984 Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, v. 16, p. 217.

Plescia, J. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1984, Terrestrial analogs for martian and lunar wrinkle ridges: Bulletin American Astronomical Society, 16th Annual Division Planetary Sciences Meeting, v. 16, p. 681.

Golombek, M. P., 1984, The locus and rate of extension in the northern Albuquerque basin, Rio Grande rift, New Mexico: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1984 Annual Meeting, v. 16, p. 521.

Morgan, P., and Golombek, M. P., 1984, Factors controlling the phases and styles of extension in the northern Rio Grande rift: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1984 Annual Meeting, v. 16, p. 600.

Golombek, M. P., Goreau, P., and Dixon, T. H., 1984, Neogene compressional deformation and possible thrust faulting in southwest Dominican Republic, EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 65, p. 1110.

Banerdt, W. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1985, Lithospheric strengths of the terrestrial planets (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, p. 23-24.

Golombek, M., and Buratti, B., 1985, Europa: Geologic implications of spectrophotometry (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, p. 276-277.

Plescia, J. B., and Golombek, M., 1985, Origin of planetary wrinkle ridges from terrestrial analogs (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, p. 667-668.

Plescia, J. B., and Golombek, M., 1985, Origin of planetary wrinkle ridges from earth analogs (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1984, NASA Tech. Mem. 87563, p. 482-484.

Golombek, M. P., 1985, On the absence of strike-slip faults from the planets and satellites (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1984, NASA Tech. Mem. 87563, p. 485-487.

Golombek, M. P., 1985, Lunar mascon loading: An example of the importance of fault initiation depth and fault type predictions from stresses on planetary surfaces (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics program - 1984, NASA Tech. Mem. 87563, p. 488-490.

Golombek, M. P., 1985, Intraplate deformation within the Rio Grande rift: Relationship to extensional stresses resulting from Pacific-North American plate interactions (expanded abstracts): 1985 Geodynamics Symposium, Intraplate deformation: Characteristics, Processes, and Causes, at Texas A&M University, College Station, April, 1985.

Golombek, M. P., 1985, Global Positioning System geodesy in the Caribbean (invited expanded abstract): Thirteenth COPSTOC Meeting, The Structure and Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico and Surrounding Regions, Cornell University, October, 1985.

Banerdt, W. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1985, Rifting on Venus: Implications for lithospheric structure (expanded abstract): Papers Presented to the Conference on Heat and Detachment in Crustal Extension on Continents and Planets, Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution No. 575, p. 2-6.

Golombek, M. P., and Banerdt, W. B., 1985, Lithospheric strength of Ganymede: Clues to early thermal profiles from extensional tectonic features (expanded abstract): Papers Presented to the Conference on Heat and Detachment in Crustal Extension on Continents and Planets, Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution No. 575, p. 45-49.

Golombek, M. P., 1985, Geology of Europa: Review at Europa Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA, December, 1985.

Golombek, M. P., and Lyzenga, G .A., 1985, Implications of VLBI measurements on Pacific-North American plate motions in southern California: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 66, p. 849.

Banerdt, W. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1986, Lithospheric modelling of Venus (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XVII, p. 22-23.

Golombek, M. P., 1986, Lithospheric flexure and shallow faulting on the moon (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XVII, p. 265-266.

Golombek, M. P., and Banerdt, W. B., 1986, Extensional tectonic features as indicators of lithospheric strength and early thermal profiles on Ganymede (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XVII, p. 267-268.

Caffall, N. M., Brown, L. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1986, Tectonic interpretations from paleomagnetic directions, Taos Plateau volcanic field, New Mexico: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 67, p. 266-267.

Golombek, M. P., and Banerdt, W. B., 1986, Extensional tectonic features as indicators of lithospheric strength and early thermal profiles on Ganymede (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1985, NASA Tech. Mem. 88383, p. 68-70.

Golombek, M. P., and Buratti, B., 1986, Geologic implications of spectrophotometric measurements on Europa (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1985, NASA Tech. Mem. 88383, p. 71-72.

Banerdt, W. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1986, Lithospheric strengths of the terrestrial planets (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1985, NASA Tech. Mem. 88383, 147-149.

Banerdt, W. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1986, Rifting and lithospheric structure on Venus (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1985, NASA Tech. Mem. 88383, p. 363-365.

Stern, R. J., Dixon, T. H., Golombek, M. P., Kroner, A., Manton, W. I., and Walter, M., 1986, The Hamisana shear zone: A major Late Precambrian structure in the Red Sea Hills of Sudan: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1986 Annual Meeting, v. 18, p. 763.

Golombek, M., and Brown, L., 1986, Clockwise rotation of the northwest Mojave Desert: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 67, p. 922.

Golombek, M., and Banerdt, B, 1987, Failure strength of icy lithospheres (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XVIII, p. 337-338.

Golombek, M. P., and Banerdt, W. B., 1987, Early thermal profiles of Ganymede and Callisto (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XVIII, p. 335-336.

Golombek, M., and Franklin, B., 1987, Physiographic constraints on the origin of lunar wrinkle ridges (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XVIII, p. 339-340.

Plescia, J. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1987, Planetary wrinkle ridges - Low angle thrust faults (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XVIII, p. 792-793.

Golombek, M. P., and Banerdt, W. B., 1987, Failure strength of icy lithospheres (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1986, NASA Tech. Mem. 89810, p. 43-45.

Banerdt, W. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1987, Lithospheric structure on Venus from tectonic modelling of compressional features (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1986, NASA Tech. Mem. 89810, p. 446-448.

Golombek, M. P., and Franklin, B. J., 1987, Physiographic constraints on the origin of lunar wrinkle ridges (expanded abstract): Reports of the Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1986, NASA Tech. Mem. 89810, p.461-463.

Ivins, E. R., Dixon, T. H., and Golombek, M., 1987, Limits on the reactivation of preexisting faults in a brittle crust under extension: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 68, p. 415.

Golombek, M. P., Skrumeda, L. L., Tralli, D. M., Davidson, J. M., and Dixon, T. H., 1987, Dependence of GPS baseline accuracy in Central and South America on fiducial network geometry: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Meeting, XIX General Assembly, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 9-22, 1987, v. 1, p. 20.

Dixon, T., Golombek, M., Blom, R., and Franklin, B., 1987, Late Precambrian crustal accretion rates in northeast Africa: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1987 Annual Meeting, v. 19, p. 644.

Valentine, M. J., Brown, L., and Golombek, M. P., 1987, Tectonic rotation of the Barstow area, central Mojave desert, California inferred from paleomagnetic data: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 68, p. 1254.

Freymueller, J. T., Golombek, M. P., and Kellogg, J. N., 1987, Effect of fiducial network geometry on GPS baseline accuracy in South America: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 68, p. 1237

Golombek, M., Plescia, J., and Franklin, B., 1988, Relative importance of faulting versus folding in the formation of planetary wrinkle ridges (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XIX, p. 395-396.

Golombek, M., and Banerdt, B., 1988, Constraints on the subsurface structure of Europa (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XIX, p. 393-394.

Valentine, M. J., Brown, L., and Golombek, M., 1988, Counterclockwise rotation of the Mojave Desert: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1988 Cordilleran Meeting, v. 20, p. 239.

Golombek, M., and Franklin, B., 1988, Relative importance of faulting and folding in lunar wrinkle ridges (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1987, NASA Tech. Mem. 4041, p. 476-478.

Golombek, M., and Banerdt, B., 1988, Constraints on the subsurface structure of Europa (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1987, NASA Tech. Mem. 4041, p. 502-522.

Golombek, M. P., and Banerdt, W. B., 1988, Early thermal profiles of Ganymede and Callisto (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1987, NASA Tech. Mem. 4041, p. 523-525.

Golombek, M. P., Brown, L. L., and Valentine, M. J., 1988, Paleomagnetic constraints on crustal rotations in the Mojave Desert (expanded abstract): Tenth Annual Texas A&M Geodynamics Symposium, Paleomagnetic Constraints on Crustal Motions, College Station, Texas, April, 1988, Program and Abstracts, p. 30-33.

Valentine, M. J., Brown, L., and Golombek, M. P., 1988, Constraints on timing of block rotations in the western Mojave Desert: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 69, p. 1164.

Golombek, M. P., and Plescia, J. B., 1989, Subsurface structure of Martian wrinkle ridges (expanded abstract): Program and Abstracts to the Fourth International Conference on Mars, Jan. 10-13, 1989, Tucson, AZ, p. 113-114.

Plescia, J. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1989, Tectonic implications of Martian wrinkle ridges (expanded abstract): in MEVTV Workshop on Early Tectonic and Volcanic Evolution of Mars, Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report Number 89-04, p. 64-65.

Banerdt, W. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1989, Long wavelength stress models for Mars: New and improved (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XX, p. 40-41.

Davis, P. A., and Golombek, M. P., 1989, Discontinuities in the shallow Martian crust (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XX, p. 224-225.

Golombek, M. P., 1989, Geometry of stresses around Tharsis on Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XX, p. 345-346.

Golombek, M., 1989, A review of extensional tectonic features on Mars (invited expanded abstract): Abstracts for the MEVTV Workshop, Tectonic Features on Mars, Richland, Washington, April 20-21, 1989, Lunar and Planetary Institute, p. 9-11; also in MEVTV Workshop on Tectonic Features on Mars (T. R. Watters and M. P. Golombek, eds.), LPI Tech. Rep.89-06, p. 33-35, 1989.

Golombek, M., Suppe, J., Narr, W., Plescia, J., and Banerdt, B., 1989, Involvement of the lithosphere in the formation of wrinkle ridges on Mars (expanded abstract): Abstracts for the MEVTV Workshop, Tectonic Features on Mars, Richland, Washington, April 20-21, 1989, Lunar and Planetary Institute, p. 12-14; also in MEVTV Workshop on Tectonic Features on Mars (T. R. Watters and M. P. Golombek, eds.), LPI Tech. Rep.89-06, p. 36-38. 1989.

Tanaka, K. L., Davis, P.A., and Golombek, M. P., 1989, Development of grabens, tension cracks, and pits southeast of Alba Patera, Mars (expanded abstract): Abstracts for the MEVTV Workshop, Tectonic Features on Mars, Richland, Washington, April 20-21, 1989, Lunar and Planetary Institute, p. 31-33; also in MEVTV Workshop on Tectonic Features on Mars (T. R. Watters and M. P. Golombek, eds.), LPI Tech. Rep.89-06, p. 57-59, 1989.

Banerdt, W. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1989, A reevaluation of long-wavelength stress models for Mars (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1988, NASA Tech. Mem. 4130, p. 495-497.

Golombek, M. P., 1989, Geometry of stresses around Tharsis on Mars (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1988, NASA Tech. Mem. 4130, p. 520-522.

Golombek, M., Suppe, J., Narr, W., Plescia, J., and Banerdt, B., 1989, Involvement of the lithosphere in the formation of wrinkle ridges on Mars (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program.- 1988, NASA Tech. Mem. 4130, p. 498-500.

Davis, P. A., and Golombek, M. P., 1989, Discontinuities in the shallow Martian crust (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1988, NASA Tech. Mem. 4130, p. 491-492.

Valentine, M. J., Potts, S. S., Brown, L. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1989, Cenozoic block rotations in the Mojave Desert: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1989 Annual Meeting, v. 21, p. A321-A322.

Potts, S., Brown, L., Valentine, M., and Golombek, M., 1989, Paleomagnetic evidence for counterclockwise rotation of the far western Mojave Desert: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 70, p. 1068.

Golombek, M., Suppe, J., Narr, W., Plescia, J., and Banerdt, B., 1990, Does wrinkle ridge formation on Mars involve most of the lithosphere? (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXI, p. 421-422.

Banerdt, W. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1990, The evolution of Tharsis: Implications of gravity, topography, and tectonics (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXI, p. 42-43.

Golombek, M., Dixon, T., Stein, S., Gordon, R., and Sacks, S., 1990, A Global Positioning System experiment in the Andes (expanded abstract): Abstracts to the International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics, May 15-17, 1990, Grenoble, France, in Colloques et Seminaires, Editions de l'ORSTOM, Paris, p. 53-56.

Golombek, M., 1990, Science strategy for robotic missions to Mars: Abstracts and Program for The Case for Mars VI - The International Exploration of Mars, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, June 4-8, 1990, p. 45-46.

Golombek, M., 1990, Modelled and measured strain in two mascon basins on the moon (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1989, NASA Tech. Mem. 4210, p. 528-530.

Banerdt, W. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1990, The Tharsis stress paradox: A possible solution (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1989, NASA Tech. Mem. 4210, p. 485-487.

Golombek, M. P., 1990, Science strategy and rationale for robotic missions to Mars (conference paper): AIAA Space Programs & Technologies Conference & Exhibit, Huntsville, Alabama, September 25-27, 1990, paper AIAA 90-3780, 3 pp.

Pivorotto, D. S., Bourke, R. D., Cunningham, G. E., Golombek, M. P., Sturms, F. M., Kahl, R. C., Lance, N., and Martin, J. S., 1990, Robotic missions to Mars: Paving the way for humans (conference paper): 41st Congress of the Astronautical Federation , International Astronautical Federation, October 1990, Dresden, Germany, paper IAF-90-416, 7 pp.

Brown, L. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1990, Tectonic stability of the northern Rio Grande rift: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1990 Annual Meeting, v. 22, p. A227.

Davis, P. A., Tanaka, K. L., Golombek, M. P., and Plescia, J., 1991, Interactions of tectonic, igneous, and hydraulic processes in the north Tharsis region of Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXII, p. 285-286.

Golombek, M. P., Tanaka, K. L., and Banerdt, W. B., 1991, Strain accommodation beneath structures on Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXII, p. 455-456.

Golombek, M, Tanaka, K., Banerdt, W., and Tralli, D., 1991 Mars seismicity through time from surface faulting (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXII, p. 451-452.

Golombek, M. P., and Franklin, B. J., 1991, Modelled and measured strain in mascon basins on the moon (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXII, p. 453-454.

Golombek, M. P., and Davis, P. A., 1991, Have graben wall scarps accumulated sand and dust on Mars? (expanded abstract): Abstracts to Workshop on Mars Sand and Dust, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, February 4-5, 1991, p. 16; also in
Sand and Dust on Mars, R. Greeley & R. M. Haberle, eds., NASA Conference Publication 10074, p. 20.

Golombek, M. P., and Franklin, B. J., 1991, Modelled and measured strain in mascon basins on the moon (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1990, NASA Tech. Mem. 4300, p. 51-53.

Golombek, M. P., Tanaka, K. L., and Banerdt, W. B., 1991, Strain accommodation beneath structures on Mars (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1990, NASA Tech. Mem. 4300, p. 54-56.

Davis, P. A., Tanaka, K. L., Golombek, M. P., and Plescia, J., 1991, Interactions of tectonic, igneous, and hydraulic processes in the north Tharsis region of Mars (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1990, NASA Tech. Mem. 4300, p. 73-74.

Golombek, M, Tanaka, K., Banerdt, W., and Tralli, D., 1991 Martian seismicity through time from surface faulting (expanded abstract): Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program - 1990, NASA Tech. Mem. 4300, p. 82-84.

Miller, M. M., Golombek, M. P., Fisher, S., and Dokka, R. K., 1991, Active deformation in the Mojave Desert region and the Walker Lane belt: A Global Positioning System experiment: Preliminary Papers from Workshop on Active Fault Zones in California: Southeastern California and the Eastern California Shear Zone (ECSZ), September 4-6, 1991, University of California, Santa Barbara, Institute for Crustal Studies Contribution 077-29TC, p. 73.

Bourke, R. D., Dias, W. C., Golombek, M. P., Pivirotto, D. L., Sturms, F. M., and Hubbard, G. S., 1991, Status of robotic mission studies for the space exploration initiative - 1991 (conference paper): 42nd Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, October 5-11, 1991, Montreal, Canada, paper IAF-91-443, 8pp.

Schermer, E. R., Miller, M. M., Golombek, M., Crippen, R., and Ford, J. P., 1991, Geometry and kinematics of deformation in the NE Mojave Desert: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1991 Annual Meeting, v. 23, p. A233.

Golombek, M., 1991, Strike-slip faults on the planets and satellites: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1991 Annual Meeting, v. 23, p. A313.

Miller, M. M., Golombek, M. P., Fisher, S.,G. M. Gonzalez, and Dokka, R. K., 1991, Active deformation in the Mojave Desert region and the Walker Lane belt: A Global Positioning System experiment: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 72, p. 116.

Valentine, M. J., Brown, L. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1991, Mechanisms for Cenozoic crustal rotations of the Mojave Desert inferred from paleomagnetic studies: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 72, p. 127.

Bourke, R., Sturms, F., Golombek, M., and Gamber, R. T., 1992, Robotics and automation in Mars exploration (conference paper): AIAA 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1992, Reno, Nevada, paper AIAA 92-0483, 11pp.

Golombek, M. P., Banerdt, W. B., and Franklin, B. J., 1992, Limits on the expansion and contraction of the Moon (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXIII, p. 425-426.

Golombek, M., Bourke, R., and Sturms, F., 1992, Mars Environmental Survey Mission: European Geophysical Society, XVII General Assembly, April 6-10, 1992, Edinburgh, Great Britain, in Annales Geophysicae, v. 10, Part III, Space and Planetary Sciences, p. 458.

Golombek, M. P., 1992, Science objectives for short range rovers on Mars (invited expanded abstract): Final Agenda and Abstracts, International Symposium Missions, Technologies and Design of Planetary Mobile Vehicles, September 28-30, 1992, Toulouse, France, Abstract 1.11.

Golombek, M., 1992, Wrinkle ridges and grabens - planetary examples and terrestrial analogs (invited abstract): Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1992 Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, v. 24, p. A134.

Banerdt, W. B., and Golombek, M. P., 1992, The seismic experiment on the MESUR mission to Mars: Abstract Book (Abstract O10) for International Symposium, Ten Years of GEOSCOPE - Broadband Seismology, September 28-30, 1992, Paris, France.

Bourke, R. D., Golombek, M. P., Spear, A. J., and Sturms, F. M., 1992, MESUR and its role in an evolutionary Mars exploration program (conference paper): 43rd Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, August 28-September 5, 1992, Washington DC, IAF-92-0509 Paper, 12pp.

Miller, M. M., Webb, F. H., Townsend, D., Golombek, M. P., and Dokka, R. K., 1992, Regional co-seismic deformation from the Landers earthquake: Results from the MOJAVE GPS network: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 73, p. 364.

Golombek, M. P., and Banerdt, W. B., 1993, Importance of expansion and contraction in the formation of tectonic features on the Moon (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, p. 545-546.

Davis, P. A., Tanaka, K. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1993, Shallow crustal discontinuities and graben and scarp formation in the Tharsis region of Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXIV, p. 381-382.

Golombek, M., 1993, Tectonic development of the Tharsis province of Mars (invited abstract): Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1993 North East Section Meeting, v. 25, p. 19.

Golombek, M. P., 1993, Science objectives for short-range rovers on Mars (conference paper): in
Missions, Technologies and Design of Planetary Mobile Vehicles, Cepadues-Editions, Centre National D'Etudes Spatiales, p. 139-145.

Golombek, M. P., 1993, MESUR Network and Pathfinder missions (invited abstract): European Geophysical Society, XVIII General Assembly, May 3-7, 1993, Wiesbaden, Germany, in Annales Geophysicae, v. 11, Part III, Space and Planetary Sciences, p. C483.

Golombek, M., and Bourke, R., 1993, The MESUR Pathfinder mission: Abstract invited for IACG Workshop on the International Coordination of the Exploration of Mars, May 10-11, 1993, Wiesbaden, Germany.

Lehman, D. H., Golombek, M. P., and Bourke, R. D., 1993, The Mars Environmental Survey Mission: Abstract invited for IACG Workshop on the International Coordination of the Exploration of Mars, May 10-11, 1993, Wiesbaden, Germany.

Bourke, R. D., Cook, R. A., Muirhead, B. K., McNamee, J. B., Golombek, M. P., and Spear, A. J., 1993, MESUR Pathfinder: Steps toward US return to the surface of Mars: International Astronautical Federation, Paper IAF-93-Q.3.395, Graz, Austria, October 16-22, 1993.

Golombek, M., 1993, MESUR Pathfinder Science Investigations (invited abstract): EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 74, p. 382.

Golombek, M., 1993, Integrated microrover/microsensor technology demonstration (interim proposal report): in
Annual Report of Investigations Carried Out Under the Director's Discretionary Fund, October 1, 1991 to September 30, 1992, JPL Document-10228, January 15, 1993, p. 71-74; Final Report in Annual Report of Investigations Carried Out Under the Director's Discretionary Fund, October 1, 1992 to September 30, 1993, JPL Document-11180, January 15, 1994, p. 61-63.

Golombek, M. P., and Banerdt, W. B., 1994, Tectonics of the icy Galilean satellites (invited expanded review abstract): in Icy Galilean Satellites Conference, Capistrano Conference No. 4, February 1-3, 1994, San Juan Capistrano Research Institute, San Juan Capistrano, CA, p. 29-30.

Golombek, M. P., 1994, Constraints on the largest marsquake (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, p. 441-442.

Golombek, M. P., Tanaka, K. L., Chadwick, D. J., Franklin, B. J., and Davis, P. A., 1994, Extension across Tempe Terra and Sirenum provinces on Mars from measurements of fault scarp widths (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, p. 443-444.

Tanaka, K. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1994, Strain measurements of impact craters on Tempe Terra, Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, p. 1377-1378.

Golombek, M. P., 1994, Pathfinder landing sites at candidate SNC impact ejection sites (expanded abstract): Abstracts submitted to Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Workshop, April 18-19, 1994, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, also in
Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Workshop, M. Golombek, ed., LPI Technical Report 94-04, p. 28-29, 1994, 49pp.

Golombek, M. P., 1994, Mars Pathfinder mission and science investigations (expanded abstract): Abstracts in Mars Surveyor Science Objectives and Measurements Requirements Workshop, D. McCleese et al. eds., May 10-11, 1994, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, p. 66-67, JPL Tech. Rep. D12017

Golombek, M. P., and Spear, A. J., 1994, Mars Pathfinder science investigations and objectives: Abstract in 45th International Astronautical Congress, October 9-14, 1994, Jerusalem, Israel, Book of Abstracts, p. 147, and Conference Paper IAA-94-IAA.11.1.752, 10pp.

Golombek, M., 1995, Why explore Mars? The Martian Chronicle (A Publication of the Mars Exploration Program at JPL), Issue 1, January 1995, p. 9.

Golombek, M. P., Davis, P. A., Banerdt, W. B., and Franklin, B. J., 1995, Extension across tension cracks and tensile strength of shallow crustal materials on Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXVI, p. 477-478.

Golombek, M. P., 1995, Mars Pathfinder mission and science investigations (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXVI, p. 475-476.

Golombek, M. P., Parker, T. J., and Moore, H. J., 1995, Mars Pathfinder landing site characteristics (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXVI, p. 481-482.

Golombek, M. P., Franklin, B. J., Tanaka, K. L., Dohm, J. M., and Banerdt, W. B., 1995, Extension across Thaumasia and around Tharsis on Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXVI, p. 479-480.

Golombek, M. P., 1995, Mars Pathfinder mission description (introductory overview paper): in Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Workshop II: Characteristics of the Ares Vallis Region and Field Trips in the Channeled Scabland, Washington, M. P. Golombek, K. S. Edgett, and J. W. Rice Jr., eds., September 28-29, 1995, Spokane, Washington, Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report 95-01, Part 1, p. 1-8.

Golombek, M. P., Parker, T. J., Moore, H. J., Slade, M. A., Jurgens, R. F., and Mitchell, D. L., 1995, Characteristics of the Mars Pathfinder landing site (expanded abstract): in Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Workshop II: Characteristics of the Ares Vallis Region and Field Trips in the Channeled Scabland, Washington, M. P. Golombek, K. S. Edgett, and J. W. Rice Jr., eds., September 28-29, 1995, Spokane, Washington, Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report 95-01, Part 1, p. 15-16.

Golombek, M., and Rapp, D., 1995, Size-frequency distributions of rocks on Mars (expanded abstract): in Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Workshop II: Characteristics of the Ares Vallis Region and Field Trips in the Channeled Scabland, Washington, M. P. Golombek, K. S. Edgett, and J. W. Rice Jr., eds., September 28-29, 1995, Spokane, Washington, Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report 95-01, Part 1, p. 13-15.

Golombek, M. P., and Herkenhoff, K. E., 1995, Mars Pathfinder mission, science investigations, and telescopic observational support (expanded abstract): in Workshop on Mars Telescopic Observations, J. F. Bell III and J. E. Moersch, eds., August 14-15, 1995, Ithaca, New York, Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report 95-04, p. 14.

Golombek, M. P., 1996, Mars Pathfinder: Blazing a New Trail: The Planetary Report (Published by the Planetary Society), v. XVI, p.8-9.

Golombek, M., 1996, Mars Pathfinder landing site selection process (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXVII, p. 429-430.

Golombek, M., and Rapp, D., 1996, Size-frequency distributions of rocks on Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXVII, p. 431-432.

Tanaka, K. L., and Golombek, M. P., 1996, Measurement of tectonic strain based on crater elongations: An improved technique applied to Tempe Terra, Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXVII, p. 1313-1314.

Spear, A. J., and Golombek, M. P., 1996, Mars Pathfinder project progress report: Second IAA International Conference on Low-Cost Planetary Missions, April 16-19, 1996, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland, Paper IAA-L-0401, 13 pp.

Golombek, M., 1996, The Mars Pathfinder mission, Invited abstract for Mars After Viking: 20 Years of Science and a New beginning - Viking Commemorative Symposium, in Abstracts of 31st Scientific Assembly of COSPAR, 14-21 July, 1996, The University of Birmingham, England, p. 360.

Golombek, M. P., 1996, The Mars Pathfinder Mission: Bulletin of the Annual American Astronomical Society, 28th Division of Planetary Sciences (AAS/DPS) Meeting, October 23-26, Tucson, Arizona, v. 28, p. 1062.

Herkenhoff, K. E., Golombek, M. P., Anderson, R. C., and Bell, J. F., 1996, Mars Pathfinder mission telescopic observation support: Bulletin of the Annual American Astronomical Society, 28th Division of Planetary Sciences (AAS/DPS) Meeting, October 23-26, Tucson, Arizona, v. 28, p. 1067.

Golombek, M. P, Franklin, B. J., Tanaka, K. L., and Dohm, J. M., 1997, Extension through time across Thaumasia, Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXVIII, p. 431.

Anderson, R. C., Golombek, M. P., Franklin, B. J., Tanaka, K. L., Dohm, J. M., Lias, J., and Higdon, J., 1997, A new detailed structural history of the Tharsis region of Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXVIII, p. 39-40.

Kallemeyn, P., Cook, R., Spear, A., and Golombek, M., 1997, The Mars Pathfinder mission: 7th International Space Conference of the Pacific Basin Societies (ISCOPS), Nagasaki, Japan, July 14-18, 1997, Paper Number C-3-6, 14pp.

McSween, H. Y., Jr., Golombek, M. P., Smith, P. H., Rieder, R., Waenke, H., Economou, T. E., and the Mars Pathfinder Science Team, 1997, Mars Pathfinder Mission: First results: Meteor. Planet. Sci. 32 Suppl., A89.

Golombek, M. P., 1997, Overview of the Mars Pathfinder mission: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 78, in press.

Golombek, M. P., Haldemann, A. F. C., Parker, T. J., Schofield, J. T., and Moore, H. J., 1997, The Mars Pathfinder landing site as predicted from orbit: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 78, in press.

Golombek, M. P., 1997, Overview of the Mars Pathfinder mission: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 78, p. F395.

Golombek, M. P., Haldemann, A. F. C., Parker, T. J., Schofield, J. T., and Moore, H. J., 1997, The Mars Pathfinder landing site as predicted from orbit: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 78, p. F395.

Greeley, R., Sullivan, R., Kraft, M., Smith, P., Malin, M., Kuzmin, R., Golombek, M. P., Herkenhoff, K., 1997, Aeolian geology and the Mars Pathfinder landing site: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 78, p. F395.

Sullivan, R., Greeley, R., Kraft, M., Murphy, J., Wilson, G., Golombek, M., Herkenhoff, K., 1997, Initial results of the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) windsock experiment: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 78, p. F402.

Hauber, E., Jaumann, R., Mosangini, C., Hiesinger, H., Matz, K. D., Oberst, J., Haldemann, A. F., Golombek, M. P., Malin, M. C., 1997, Mars Pathfinder landing site: Determination of size-frequency distributions of rocks and comparison with terrestrial analogs: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 78, p. F404.

Haldemann, A. F. C., Jurgens, R. F., Slade, M. A., Golombek, M. P., Moore H. J., 1997, Mars Pathfinder landing site radar properties: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., v. 78, p. F404.

Golombek, M. P., 1998, The Mars Pathfinder mission and science results: 1998 American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition, Feb. 12-17, 1998, Philadelphia, PA, Abstracts p. A-59.

Golombek, M. P., Moore, H. J., Haldemann, A. F. C., Cook, R. A., Parker, T. J., and Schofield, J. T., 1998, Selection and assessment of predictions of the Mars Pathfinder landing site (invited expanded abstract): Mars Surveyor 01 Landing Site Workshop, January 26-27, 1998, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.

Golombek, M. P., 1998, The Mars Pathfinder mission and science results (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX, Abstract #1186, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

Golombek, M. P., Haldemann, A. F. C., Moore, H. J., Parker, T. J., and Schofield, J. T., 1998, Assessment of Mars Pathfinder landing site predictions (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX, Abstract #1187, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

Anderson, R. C., Golombek, M. P., Franklin, B. J., Tanaka, K. L., Dohm, J. M., Lias, J. H., and Peer, B., 1998, Centers of tectonic activity through time for the western hemisphere of Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX, Abstract #1881, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

Moore, H. J., Parker, T. J., Crisp, J., Golombek, M. P., Bickler, D., Eisen, H., Gensler, J., Haldemann, A., Matijevic, J., and Reid, L., 1998, Origin of soil-like deposits at teh Mars Pathfinder landing site, Mars (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX, Abstract #1462, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

Greeley, R., Kraft, M., Wilson, G., Sullivan, R., Kuzmin, R., Malin, M., Bridges, N., Herkenhoff, K., Golombek, M., and Smith, P., Aeolian geology of the Mars Pathfinder site (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX, Abstract #1413, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

Parker, T., J., Moore, H. J., Crisp, J. A., Golombek, M. P., Petrogenetic interpretations of rock textures at the Pathfinder landing site (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX, Abstract #1829, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

Sullivan, R., Greeley, R., Kraft, M., Murphy, J., Wilson, G., Golombek, M., Herkenhoff, K., and Smith, P., Initial results of the Imager for Mars Pathfinder windsox experiment (expanded abstract): Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX, Abstract #1901, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

Golombek, M. P., 1998, The Mars Pathfinder mission and science results (invited abstract): European Geophysical Society, General Assembly, April 20-24, 1998, Nice, France, in Annales Geophysicae, v. 16, Part III Space and Planetary Sciences, p. C 1047.

Golombek, M. P., Haldemann, A. F. C., Moore, H. J., Parker, T. J., and Schofield, J. T., 1998, Assessment of Mars Pathfinder landing site predictions: European Geophysical Society, General Assembly, April 20-24, 1998, Nice, France, in Annales Geophysicae, v. 16, Part III Space and Planetary Sciences, p. C 1047.

Greeley, R., Sullivan, R., Kraft, M., Smith, P., Malin, M., Golombek, M. P., and Herkenhoff, K., Mars Pathfinder landing site: Wind-related features: European Geophysical Society, General Assembly, April 20-24, 1998, Nice, France, in Annales Geophysicae, v. 16, Part III Space and Planetary Sciences, p. C 1047.

Haldemann, A. F. C., Anderson, R. C., Bridges, N. T., Hauber, E., Jaumann, R., and Golombek, M. P., Rock statistics at the Mars Pathfinder landing site: European Geophysical Society, General Assembly, April 20-24, 1998, Nice, France, in Annales Geophysicae, v. 16, Part III Space and Planetary Sciences, p. C 1047.

Golombek, M. P., 1998, Science results from the Mars Pathfinder mission (invited abstract): Return to Mars, in Abstracts for the 32nd Scientific Assembly of COSPAR, Nagoya, Japan, 12-19 July 1998, p. 81.

Golombek, M. P., 1998, The Mars Pathfinder Mission and Science Results (invited abstract): Pardee Keynote Symposium Pathfinder and Global Surveyor: New Views of Mars Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 26-29, 1998.

Moore, H. J., Crisp, J. A., Golombek, M. P., Bickler, D. B., Gensler, J. A., Thompson, T. W., and Guiness, E. A., 1998, Viking, Pathfinder, and Mars: EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., in review.

Golombek, M. P., 1998, Erosion rates at the Mars Pathfinder landing site and constraints on climate change on Mars (invited abstract): EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Un., in review.